Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

We went to LA for the weekend to visit Dennis and his girlfriend, Ani. We had a great time in Marina Del Ray and Santa Monica. Friday night we went out for some drinks. We took his boat out for the day on Saturday and then had a great dinner in Malibu at a place called Dukes (nested on the cliffs of the ocean, beautiful!) Finished the night off in the hot tub. Sunday we walked around Santa Monica and saw The Hangover II (K as in KNIFE!) with Dennis, Ani, Jason and Sarah.
So blessed to be in such a beautiful place and so appreciative of all the soldiers for giving up their freedom for us.. Will update more pics soon.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Buy Local

We joined the CSA Movement (community supported agriculture)!
Basically, every week (or every other depending on your preference) we pick up a box of locally grown veggies, free-range fresh eggs and baked good (bread/jam/honey) for a fixed price (Usually ranges from $20-22 a week).
It's a great way to support farming and bakeries in our area and the veggies are organic so it's a win-win.
For more information to learn more in your area check out:

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My everything

I love you Joseph Andrew Johnston.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pictures from around the States

Taking in the sights at Asilomar Beach, CA
Pacific Grove, CA *Pure Bliss
Train ride from LA to Salinas..coastal route..
Childhood memories...soft boiled eggs made by my Mom..Milton, NY
Homemade Sauce and family ever
Hudson River, NY
Very good friends Glenn and Donna.. Newburgh, NY
Our (Joe and I) favorite spot in New Paltz, NY
Apple Orchards..Milton, NY
Driving across the Mid-Hudson Bridge with Trav..Poughkeepsie, NY
Piper and Chrissa...Indianapolis, IN
Best Friends..Joe and Grandpa Earl..Indianapolis, IN
Cutest little girl ever, Kiernan..Indianapolis, IN
Native American Ring bought in Albuquerque, New Mexico
New Mexico
Coastal route that goes from LA to Seattle, WA..a must do if you get a chance. Absolutely breathtaking.

Easter Pie, Rock Climbing, and footies with the girls

Girl time with Alison and Merici
Finished product of Galome Pie (Italian Easter Pie)
Joey helping out..if you want recipe email me It's delicious
We went Rock Climbing and it was so much fun! Our nephew is flying out to stay with us for a few weeks and I am definitely bringing him here. So much fun but so difficult! Loved it!

Wild flowers and basket weaving around Central Coast exhibit

Joe runs a 5k

While I was out of town, Joe ran the Big Sur 5k and placed 277 out of 803! How amazing is he?
I am so proud of him and hope next year to run with him before we depart!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

quick update

Hey all,
Have been traveling the last couple of weeks and will update photos soon, got home tonight so pictures will be up by the end of the week. Joe and I went home to Indianapolis for a few days to spend Easter with his family. It was really nice. Joe went home and I headed to NY for two days to spend time with my family. A short but very sweet visit. Lots of stories to share and will share soon. But for now, I need to get back to the grind and grocery shop, do some laundry and get ready for Danielle and Matt to visit on Saturday.
Hope all is well.