Saturday, November 26, 2011

I'm a slacker..

In the last month
* Anthony came to visit!

*Laura and I ran a 5k in Pacific Grove

*We celebrating Thanksgiving! We cooked at our house with our lovely neighbors

*I lost all my photos on my laptop and our buddy is currently trying to recover the data

*We bought a Mac Desktop!

*Laura and I participated in a Mad Men photo shoot! Photographed by the very talented Merici!

Laura and I are putting together a bucket list for California! So if anyone has any suggestions that haven't been previously posted let me know!
SUNSET.COM is a informative website for the West.

I will post more pictures/information once everything gets set up.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Can you believe one year has passed since we said I Do? Seems like yesterday when I was becoming your wife. It was the most important day of my life.

Thank you for marrying me. I am very lucky to have you. I wont go into too much detail since this is a public blog but everyone knows your amazing and fantastic. I pinch myself everyday.
Happy Anniversary. I love you.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Week one:
California to Destin Florida: Joe and I traveled to Destin Fl for a Smith/Johnston family vacation. I flew and it was fine and actually nice. We had a fantastic time relaxing on the beach and eating delicious meals at night. It was also Joe and I's one year anniversary (second post to come).

Week one/two:
Destin Florida to Indianapolis to NY: Joe and I drove back with Mom and Darrell to Indianapolis on Saturday to spend two days visiting other family members. We had a nice visit with Grandma and Grandpa and Joe's Dad. Joe flew back on Monday and I stayed behind, renting a car and driving to NY to surprise my family members on Tuesday. My brother in law Dave took my out to dinner to celebrate my soon to be birthday. Tuesday I left Indianapolis and arrived in NY. I spent my time visiting with my family and having a great time. Thursday was my birthday and my best friend Tim took me out to see our friends band, Alpha Male Gorillas, play. I spent the rest of the weekend hanging with the family and watching the snow fall and fall and fall. We were hit with a storm that delighted us with 9 inches of snow. It was pretty and unexpected. It seems like every time I come home there happens to be some crazy weather pattern.
Sunday I drove back to Indianapolis and stopped in Akron to see Heather and her new born baby, Evangeline. It was so nice to visit with them and meet her beautiful baby girl.

Week 3:
Indianapolis to Cali: I spent Monday night trick or treating with our nephew, Zyon, my brother in laws Dan and Dave, my father in law and my soon to be sister in law Jenny.

Tuesday I hooped on the Megabus to Chicago (took a train because I had credit) and from Chi town I took a train to LA. Got to LA on Thursday, rented a car and finally got home to Monterey in the evening. Did some laundry, went grocery shopping and most importantly hung out with my wonderful husband whom I missed dearly.

My cousin, Anthony, flew out Friday and we are having a great time so far. Lots more adventures to come. I will upload lots of pictures soon as well as an ode for my one year anniversary with my man.
Love to all
