Friday, July 27, 2012

It's about that time...Wonder if London can top this opening Ceremony (Beijing 2008) Hands down AMAZING! Hope London rocks it! TEAM USA~

Sometimes you fail trying
And sometimes happiness hurts worse
Sometimes people live dying
Sometimes it’s the last person that makes you first
Sometimes you’ll keep what you don’t want
And other times you’ll give away what you really need
Sometimes a rich man won’t have a dollar
And all a poor man has is greed

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Epic Bucket list

Life has been amazing and exciting in the last five years. Achieving a great job at Vassar, moving to California and getting married have definitely been the highlights.
However, I feel like I have not accomplished any 'goal' in the last couple of years. I know that sounds crazy. Yes, moving West and exploring accomplished many things but what I'm talking about is completing a half marathon. Heck even a full marathon. Finally finishing that knitted scarf. Finishing a Graduate Degree. Honing my photography skills. Something new and different. Selling some art work at the local farmer's market. Becoming a gym rat and incorporate working out into my schedule. Get those toned arms I've always wished for. I am tired of dreaming instead of doing. So that being said I am writing a bucket list. Things I can easily accomplish to things that would take a little longer. And I need your help. Because I feel that I will slip in my lazy pattern and accomplish one thing and think it's enough. So please annoy me with your curious nature. Thank you.

Lose 5-10 Pounds. Find a great work out and stick with it. Have toned arms/legs/abs. Goal-Have a body like Jessica Biel.

Become a runner. and Love it

Run a half marathon by next Spring

Incorporate swimming into your work out-Swim for an hour straight.

Use weights-My senior year of high school was the last time I really used weights and the results were fantastic. That was 10 years ago kids.

Eat better-finally give up chips and soda. Why not try to be healthy?

Work on my photography. Understand Photoshop and Lighting. Finish through with the certificate program at I.P.F.W.

Sell Art work at local farmer's market. Find a farmer's market that worth's selling at.

Figure out a five year goal. Make sure it includes getting a degree. Whether it be a Master's in School Counseling, A doctorate in PT, or an Associates in Xray/Ultrasound/Radiation Therapy/Physical Therapy Assistant. I have spent five years over analyzing what I should be doing when I should have been doing something and been ahead of the game. But that's ok because I'm here now and that's all that matters

Plan a epic trip by myself (again) I know it's dangerous to go hiking by myself. Or find someone to go hiking with.
But I can find some where I can photograph (Maine/North Carolina/Colorado) Any suggestions?

Knit a freakin scarf already. You already have enough Yarn to knit two blankets. Lazy Ass

Learn Crochet

Finish the crayon melting art canvas

Finish repairing/painting the wooden bat project

Wear a hat in the sun. Prevent wrinkles

Put all your photos in albums

Plan an epic 30 year anniversary present for my parents next year

Be happy within the moment. It's so hard but really just try.

Stop judging

Get off the internet and being curious about celebrity gossip. That goes for TV also. Spend your free time outside or in the books

Improve my writing and vocabulary skills.

Photograph something EVERYDAY

Find the beauty in the Midwest. I know it's here. I just have to be curious and positive

Saturday, July 7, 2012

" Loving Wings " performed by Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds Recorded LIVE...

Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Danielle Petro!
Love you kids have fun on your honeymoon!