Wednesday, January 23, 2013

true love is quiet. may we always be viewed as one.
love you

Monday, January 21, 2013

 *Below are some picture's I've photoshop!

Hey All,
Happy New Year! Hope everyone's New Year is treating them with love, fun, creativity and adventure.
It's been a busy couple of months here. We spent the holiday in Indianapolis with Joe's family and then went to NY for New Year's. While in New York we went to the Beacon Theater in NYC and saw Gov't Mule with a couple of good friends. My mom and I went to Arthur Ave on morning to stock up on some cheese, olives and oil. Spent another night with some girlfriends having an epic dance off. It was a blast.  Not all was fun, we've had some passings in our family and friendship circle, which has been sad and Joe's Grandpa has been very sick. But he is recovering so it's so far so good.
School has started and life is getting back to busy. My schedule isn't as busy as it was last semester but it is still filled with lots of to do list. I am applying to the Radiation Therapy/Radiology program this week so fingers crossed!
Joe and I spent our day yesterday Tobogganing! It was so much fun! I will post pictures soon.
Hope all is well. What is everyone's New Year Resolution? Mine is a few but definitely want to get in the gym and be mentally strong as well.
Hope all is well