Tuesday, March 5, 2013

can this week go by any quicker?

Sunday, March 3, 2013

this is a typical email these days..

My professor and I have been writing back in forth with the tone of trying to understand the current material, below is an email she responded with. Isn't this fascinating??

With regard to how drugs can affect synapses, there are a variety of sites and ways, for example they can increase the number of impulses, release neurotransmitters from vesicles with or without impulses, block re-uptake or block receptors, produce more or less neurotransmitters, prevent vesicles from releasing neurotransmitters, and so on - so you can see it's quite a diverse range of responses. Different drugs will also affect the synapses in different ways. Like methamphetamine alters dopamine transmission by causing the release of the dopamine neurotransmitter from vesicles and by blocking dopamine transporters from pumping dopamine back into the transmitting neuron. This causes more dopamine to remain in the cleft, which causes neurons to fire more often than normal resulting in euphoria.

New York, New York

I am so excited to be going home next week to visit! I am missing New York so much lately!
I hope to head to Hudson, NY with Mom to vintage shop, hike Breakneck Mtn with Jon and meet up with the girls for either dinner (it's restaurant week! or drinks and dancing!), bike ride with Trav, spend some time with Dad and see Gram, cousins and Aunt's and Uncles!
I just have to get through this week with an exam and some physics homework. For some reason, I am just totally over this semester. I'm uninspired and tired. But I have to finish strong. Maybe this trip home will be the reset I need. It  happened last semester. I went home for Thanksgiving and finished strong. Hopefully the same will happen.   I think it's Winter Blues. I put my notice in for work, April 14th. Agh! I'm nervous about that.
Anyways, on a random note, I went to the library and got Rosetta Stone to learn French. It's a beautiful language and I always wanted to learn so wish me luck! or souhaitez moi bonne chance!

Saturday, March 2, 2013