Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dave Matthews Band in Indianapolis!!

Last weekend, Joe and I went to see Dave Matthews Band.
Dave, Nicole, Lisa, Dan, Joe and I had a great time!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Joe got into NOTRE DAME!!!!

Joe got his acceptance into Notre Dame last week! So Linda,Darrell and I decided to throw him a little party last weekend to celebrate! 
We had a pool party/bbq and Joe and I wore green to add to the celebration!
So proud of him! This has been his dream since he was a kid and it's so exciting to know he's accomplishing his dream. 
Love him!
Darrell wrote this on their chalkboard kitchen wall once he heard the news of his son getting into Notre Dame! 
So sweet

5k at Notre Dame and Dispatch in Chicago!

The first weekend of June Joe,AJ, Jen and I went to South Bend (Notre Dame) to run a 5k on Saturday morning. Joe and I finished well considering that we haven't ran in over two months. We clocked in around 31 minutes.
After the race we went to Chicago to meet up with Dave, Jenny, Kelley and Jonathan to see Dispatch. Once we got to Chicago we stopped at our cousin Jordan's apartment to say hello. We then drove to our hotel and stopped in Giadorno's pizzeria to have our traditional deep dish pizza with AJ and Jen. We then met up with everyone near Little Italy to enjoy some drink's and food and catch the hockey game before the concert. The concert was a ton of fun!
The next day, Joe and I spent some q.t. time in Chicago. We normally go to Cafe Lux for brunch but we decided to try this Italian Deli we heard about on TV. It was delicious! I got a beef brisket panini and it was the best thing I've ever had.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

In your twenties, if you have any amount of complexity in your childhood, or any trauma that you haven’t dealt with, it comes out. That’s why you have a lot of artists that don’t make it through. Jeremy Sisto

Your 20s are not by default the only time in your life that you can pick up and go, or that you can try out different careers. The space where comfort and risk come together is a space where learning and growing are most likely to happen. If you get set in your ways and become unsatisfied but comfortable, you’ll never learn anything different unless you’re willing to put yourself in a scary position. Holden Desalles