Friday, February 14, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Life so far

Last weekend (February 1st) I went home to celebrate with my Mom for her birthday. I left early Friday morning and got in Friday afternoon. We had our ritual Friday night dinner, Chinese Food, and lots of laughs. Then Heather and Denise and I went to Danielle and Matt's for some company and drinks. It was a really nice time. Saturday Mom and I spent the day in New Paltz. We had a great lunch and walked around the town, shopping and exploring. It was 50 degrees and sunny! After New Paltz, we headed to Wappingers Falls to have dinner and birthday cake with the family. It was such a fun time! Thank you everyone! Then I went out Saturday to Shadows with Heather for a little birthday dancing (it was her birthday as well!) I left Sunday and got home Monday morning. The week went by quickly. Had one exam and came back to Fort Wayne this weekend to hang out with my husband. Seriously, I know we are still considered newlyweds, but nothing makes me happier than cooking and cleaning up my home and being near my husband. Ask me in 30 years and I'll probably have a different thought, but for now, it reminds me of our time in California, and I love it. Joe and I made homemade butternut squash soup. It was the first time we attempted it (Mom and I had it in New Paltz the following weekend, and I fell in love!) So here is a step by step process
You will need
1 butternut squash
1 onion
3 or 4 stalks of celery
1 or 2 tablespoons of olive oil
1/2 of cup of Heavy Cream
2 teaspoons of nutmeg
2 teaspoons of thyme
1 blender
1 large soup pot

First, dice the onions, cut the celery and squash into cubes and toss into soup pot with olive oil
Allow onions to brown, celery and squash to soften. If needed (which it is, add 1/2 cup of water to avoid burning)
Cover, and let steam soften veggies
After 10 minutes, use a fork to determine if it is soft enough. If so, transfer it all to a blender.
Liquify and blend until finished
Transfer back into the pot and add heavy cream, nutmeg and thyme. Keep on low for 10-15 minutes

Let me know! It turned out pretty good!!

We also went for a nice walk in the neighborhood to check out all the snow! Wow, I do not remember this much snow since I was a kid!
Anyways, weekends over, back to school..T Minus 2 months for class! Then clinicals. Then hopefully move somewhere for a job (fingers crossed)
Hope all is well!