Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Hey ya'll!
Hope everyone is doing well! It's been a very busy couple of months.
Since the middle of May, Joe, Linda and I went to New Orleans. Joe went to Madrid, Spain for a school trip. Joe and I went to Chicago to go see Dave Matthews. A.J., Jen, Joe and I went kayaking and camping up in Pokagan State Park and this weekend I am graduating and we are going on a family canoe trip! After the canoe trip, Joe and I are going to Somer's Point, NJ and my Mom is going to meet me there for lunch! So exciting! I graduate this Friday! I was asked to be the class commencement speaker so I will be giving a speech. I can't believe school is finally over.  After today, the studying will get serious. I am set to take my boards August 4th so wish me luck! After that I plan on getting into running and biking again. I know it's been a very busy year but I really haven't put exercise as a priority. I am looking forward to that. Other than that, that's all that is really going on. Not sure what our next step is but Joe is doing well in school and I will be looking for work, wherever that will be.
Hope all is well with everyone. I will post pictures soon