Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Happy 2015!

Happy belated Holidays and New Year!
Joe and I have been busy bee's in the last couple of months, which I guess isn't new.
We went upstate the weekend before Christmas to celebrate with family and spent Christmas in Indiana with our other family. It was a lovely time. Not that gifts are the most important thing of the holidays, I just want to mention that I got the coolest gift from my brother and sister in law. Jenny hand made an art frame of places we've lived in the last couple of years into area codes. The area codes were cut out of the states respective maps. It was so thoughtful and so cool. Of course, the other gifts were great and we are so thankful for. We got an awesome bluetooth speaker, gift cards, purses, sheets and comfy blanket, Philly baseball tickets etc. I ended up staying in town after the holiday as Joe went back to NJ for a few days so I spent the New Year with Joe's parents. We didn't do anything, just watched TV. Linda was sick :(. Joe came back into town a few days later cause he had a week long session at school. So he came in one a Saturday, we went to Lisa and Dan's baby shower, and then the next day headed up to Notre Dame for the week. We stayed at the Morris Inn on campus and it was beautiful. Since it was -1 degrees outside and snowy, I pretty much stayed in and sometimes ventured out to the mall or the Basilica and Grotto of ND. I was battling a little cold that week. Our cousins, Kelley and Jonathan, live close by so we had dinner with them one night and it was really nice to catch up and see their faces.