Thursday, September 17, 2015

Happy Birthday, Joe!
My husband, love of my life, partner in crime and above else my best friend. I love you so much and am so happy that you are my baby daddy :)
May we continue to always find humor and light and I promise to love you with all my beings.
Thank you for choosing me as your wife. Your birthday is my favorite day of the year. Love you, Dug

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Hi Blog World,
Sorry I haven't been on here lately. This summer has been the worst/best time of my life.
On June 6th, Joe and I found out that we were pregnant. Usually, people wait a couple of months to tell their loved ones but Joe and I couldn't wait to tell our parents. They were so incredibly happy and thrilled to be Grandparents. What occurred in the next week is traumatic enough to write but I am ready to step out of my shell. My mother passed away three days after we found out about our pregnancy. We buried her exactly one week after finding out we were pregnant.
The last three months have been surreal with change and emotions, ranging from extreme sadness to pure joy. My mother was the love of my life and here we are creating our new love of our life. Life is interesting and strange and I am trying to navigate through it the best I can. I will try to post happy photos, and sometimes it may be sad but I will try to stay positive. Hope all is well.
Love always,
Cori and Joe.