Monday, January 24, 2011



Steelers vs Packers for the 2011 Superbowl~ Kinda bummed about the J-E-T-S but...
Game ON!

I want to have a Superbowl party and cook a delicious meal.
Gonna check out for some ideas (best website EVER!)
Any suggestions you might have?... besides wings

Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's Jan and in the 60's

Sunday afternoon Nachos
Our Coastline
Foam waves

Our fish market on the pier

Info on Whales
Drum Circle

Garlic fries
This is the life

Theater on the Warf
Everyone rents these on the rail trail

Oh what a weekend it has been!
Friday I spent the day doing errands, getting coffee at Plumes with my friend Vicky, picking up my new glasses, going to the grocery store, picking up Joe from work, making shrimp scampi and pulled pork (for Sat). Sat morning Joe had to go into work for a couple of hours so I spent the morning walking to the local cafe and getting some coffee, enjoying the sun with our neighbors on their front porch, and cleaning the entire house (putting our laundry away after 3 weeks!) in preparation for our new bed that we bought off of craigslist. Once Joe got home from work we rode our bikes down to the Fisherman's Warf and enjoyed some garlic fries. The weather has been amazing! There was a Whale Festival down on the Pier so lots of vendors with information about Whales such as documentaries, tickets to go Whale watching (Gray Whales are now in season..they migrate down to Baja to raise their babies then head back up the coast), REI vendor with a package of to dos in the area such as Photography classes, hiking trips, sessions on how to wax your surfboard and snowboard. On top of all this fun there was a crazy drum circle and reggae band that was amazing. We road our bikes back home and once home I then realized I did not have my wallet (I used cash for coffee in the morning) So after searching the entire house and car, it's officially lost. I then remember the last time I saw it was at the grocery store on Friday in Salinas. So I call the grocery store and nothing. I then start to panic and cry haha. Not only did I have all my credit cards, license (both with Rosenstein and Johnston last names) but I had our marriage license, insurance card, my social security number, our checks, a bucket list I made for myself when I was 18 and one of my most prized possessions, my grandparents newspaper wedding announcement from the 50's, gift cards, library card, pictures, my ticket to the Atlantis in the Bahamas ( a souvenir I kept cause that's where we got engaged.)
I had to go to the bank and get an entire new account number, new checks, new cards for both Joe and I and change our online bills banking information. Joe ended up getting the bed in Carmel by himself while I finalized everything at the bank. I ended up walking home and saw our neighbors outside and they immediately offered me a beer. Joe got home, we set up the bed and then went over to Jeff's for drinks and a bon fire. Getting drunk helped me forget about the entire wallet mess. The next morning Joe had to go back to work so I went determined to find my wallet. I went to the grocery and no luck. So I got some coffee nearby, sat in my car and started to cry and then eventually pray. I repeated the St. Anthony prayer that everyone talks about to say out loud when you lose something.
After that I went back to the grocery to give them my number just in case something comes up. So as I am waiting at Customer Service, the same woman who helped me before, unlocks this safe and MY WALLET APPEARS!!! I guess she only looked in the back but not the safe. And guess what, everything was still there! License, gift card, credit cards...AHHH! I'm still going to report this incident to social security fraud just in case but HOLY COW! I was beyond excited. We then came home, made some nachos and watched the football games (GO JETS)
Anyways, here's the St. Anthony Prayer for anyone who's interested:

Prayer to St. Anthony for lost items

St. Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring lost things, grant that I may find (name the lost item) which has been lost.

At least restore to me peace and tranquillity of mind, the loss of which has afflicted me even more than my material loss. To this favor, I ask another of you: that I may always remain in possession of the true good that is God. Let me rather lose all things than lose God, my supreme good. Let me never suffer the loss of my greatest treasure, eternal life with God.


Prayer to St. Anthony for lost items

Friday, January 21, 2011

5k Big Sur countdown begins~

May 1, 2011 Big Sur Marathon! Joe and I have signed up to run the 5k (not the marathon..maybe next year?)
They say its the most beautiful/best run/marathon in North America so I thought we'd give it a try and be part of something fantastic..anyone wanna join us?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hiking in Carmel Valley and some local PG photos

*This is on our street (16th)

Our lovely neighbor Jeff and I went for a nice hike in Carmel Valley. We also took some shots around town in Pacific Grove (the whale!)
Gosh Carmel Valley is ridiculous~ It reminds me of Colorado and Hudson Valley.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What food is your State famous for?

Found this on's kinda cool..might be small to see (double click to enlarge)
Our States:
Cali-Grapes (that explains my love of wine)
New York-Pizza (of course)
Indiana-Popcorn (maybe that's why Joe's addicted to Kettle?)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

For some moments in life there are no words. ~David Seltzer, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Morning sunset with cotton candy skies

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

umm..was that an EARTHQUAKE?

Central Cali got an earthquake last night around midnight and another one around 8pm tonite. The 3.5 earthquake struck about 10 miles outside Hollister and was felt from Prundale down to Monterey. Salinas is close and many of Joe's patients and coworkers felt it. However, Pacific Grove wasn't affected. A local told us that Pacific Grove and Big Sur don't feel earthquakes because of the granite from the coast. Hmm..don't know if that is true but if it is, lucky us!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sunday night bbq sunsets with the RV woogie

John Denver's memorial site (where his plane crashed)