Tuesday, January 4, 2011

hmm...when it rains it pours

So, I think I am a walking black cloud.
Here's what's been going on in the last week. I have to post cause really all I can do now is Laugh

1. Lost my wedding ring. Dropped it in the gear shift in Joe's mom's car and my Dad and Joe took the car apart to find it and it was gone..Bummer but it wasn't the engagement ring! Thank GOODNESS!

2. While packing the car to go to the airport, Joe lightly brushed up against me and tapped my glasses..they snapped right in half

3. The RV got impounded while we were gone. We were going to check on it Sunday night when we got back into town but were to tired to drive down the road. Well if we did, then we would have seen the parking ticket and notice to move it. However, we didn't and the next day they impounded it. Drove down the road and had to double check my eyes cause the thing was gone! Had to pay police to get a release then pay impound to get the car out by 5:00pm. If you want to get it out after 5pm they charge you an extra $90. Joe works till 5pm 45 mins away..haha. so with some good luck, got the RV and parked it on the street, picked up Joe and brought it home.

4. Someone got ahold of my credit card number and charged $600 to our account. Investigation pending..

5. Went over to relax and have a beer with neighbors. While outside, tripped over his glass and it shattered everywhere..

6. Little things like, no parking spots at grocery stores, long lines, library system down when checking out books, then its up and working and then paper jams, slow drivers, ya know just little things that make you go UGHHH

7. Outrageous amount of money for a talking on cell phone while driving/no headlights/no insurance card present ticket.

8. Joe lost his key to his work office. So he asked his coworker to open the door cause he has an extra key but his coworker's car blew up that weekend and he walked to work, therefore he left his keys at home. (insert punchline here) So Joe and I had to drive around to his other employee's house at 7:30 am for the key...

umm..8 is a good enough number...but hey if this list is our troubles, then we are very blessed to have the health and love and humor to write this. Happy New Year everyone and much love!


PS will update if needed but lets hope not :)

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