Tuesday, March 8, 2011


got our luggage no problem the following day (Tuesday)
We spent the rest of our trip visiting family and friends, Tuesday we went to Grandma and Grandpa Throm's then got dinner with Joe's best friend, A.J. and Katie (with their son, Eli), Joe's mom and Dave. Wednesday and Thursday we spent our time mourning Grandma Johnston with the wake and funeral. It was an emotional time. Friday I had my interview at Butler. The program at Butler is amazing. Not only do you work in a cohort for the entire program (same people, same time, same date for 2-3 years..which I love the consistency) but you graduate with not only a certification in School Counseling but they also allow you to take the National Counselor exam which gives you certification as a mental health therapist. So it's a dual certification degree and most colleges you have to do an additional year for that. The gentleman said that I meet the qualifications and should be expecting an acceptance letter soon. Also on a random note. The other advisor I met at Butler was on the same flight as Joe and I from Phx to Indy. We both experienced that horrible flight.
Friday night, Joe, Dave, Jenny and I went to the Vogue(concert venue) in Broad Ripple(trendy hot spot in Indianapolis) and saw an awesome cover band. I had wayyy to many sprites and vodka's. Saturday we went out to dinner for Darrell's birthday and then bowling. Got to see our cousin Jonathan and his lovely girlfriend Kelley. Also got to see Backer (he might come out to see us) Sunday we went out to dinner with the Johnston's at the Iron Skillet (home country cooking...fried chicken, apple butter, green's, onion soup..sooo good!)
We flew home Sunday night (no problems with the flight!)
Monday I caught up with our neighbors, got some coffee with Alison and went to Trader's Joe with Jeff and Merici. Went to the farmer's market and got some flowers and popcorn. Back to the grind of life here in California. Making fish tacos and drinking margaritas. haha
Alison and I are making a bucket list of to do's here in California because we both might be moving in June and we have to live it up. 5 months..dang I cant believe that if we decide to go.
Can't wait for Mom and Aunt Toni Ann and Lorann to come at the end of this month.
Hope you all are well.

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