Thursday, November 15, 2012

Somewhere, in the midst of academics and other life stress's, I forgot. I forgot how beautiful a world can be. How beautiful one can learn from playing in this amazing playground. How fortunate we are to have beauty. How lucky one is to be able to see it.
I was looking at pictures tonight of California and how it's so strange that it was 7 months ago we lived there. I was then looking at pictures of New York and realized that I don't live there anymore. I haven't lived in NY in almost 3 years. Life is strangely beautiful and weird.
It's crazy trying to think of what our next stop will be. Funny, before I always wanted to know but as the years past, and the adventures flourish, I don't want to know. I don't want to limit my mind to a place because I could be missing out on somewhere that will probably present itself of where we are to be. At that moment.
I never pictured living in Indiana, let alone Fort Wayne. Yet, if I limited my mind to never coming here, then I wouldn't have had any of these experiences I've had in the last 7 months. You know what I mean?
School wouldn't have happened, no Michigan or Notre Dame or Chicago trips, no being close to Joe's family.
Fort Wayne isn't forever but it's serving it's purpose. And that's all you can wish for, for where ever you are to be. That it is serving the purpose to your growth, whether it be personal or professional. Don't ever be stuck somewhere and not know what you are doing there. Remember your goals, small or big. And enjoy the beauty. Even if you think there is none. Go get lost, turn your cell phone off and enjoy your moments because time keeps on moving even when you are not.

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