Sunday, December 8, 2013

Happy December!

Hi Everyone!
Hope all is well. Christmas is around the corner and school is quickly wrapping up! I can't believe that I am almost half way done with the program. It seems like yesterday I was just starting the pre-reqs.
This week is finals followed by one more week at the clinical and I am officially done for the Fall semester! Joe's final week is this week as well and he's one semester done, baby!
We are going to go to NY for Christmas and we cannot wait. Going to hang with the fam, friends, go to the city one day, maybe go for a nice hike in New Paltz...
When we come home from NY I have an additional week off and I was thinking about taking some drives in the Mid West to explore this area that we haven't already seen. The places I were thinking are:

Ann Arbor, MI- College town with Italian Roots

Detroit, MI- culture, vintage shops, etc,.

Indiana Dunes, IN-two hours up the road from us and you can snow shoe on sand dunes, How Cool!

Cincinnati,OH-want to visit this store called JUNGLE JIMS (check it out!)

Green Bay, WI-because who wouldn't want to visit the land of cheese

Traverse City, MI- the most beautiful place in these necks of the woods.

Louisville, KY-only an hour away from my in laws and seems like I should at least visit it, right?

That's the list that I've conjured up. I think  it's important to explore what's around you before you move away and you never get the opportunity to again. So, that being said, I'm excited!

Hope all is well in everyone's world and I am wishing you all a Happy Holiday!

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