Sunday, June 27, 2010

a few weeks of traveling!

Hey All
The blog hasn't been updated due to the traveling I have done.
In the beginning of June, I went to visit my hometown in NY.
I decided to take a train from California to New York. I did this for two reasons 1. I'm deathly afraid to fly and 2. I wanted to see the country side from coast to coast.

My journey started Monday night. Joe and I drove up to Oakland and stayed overnight to catch my train in the morning. Tuesday morning I departed. Sleeping on a train was really difficult. Joe and I bought camping food (just add water!) before the trip for me to eat so I wouldn't have to spend a ton of money on train food. By Wednesday I reached Denver and we had an hour to explore. By Thursday I got to Chicago and had a six hour lay over. I did not get to see much of Chicago due to all the luggage I was carrying. I got to see the financial district. By Friday I got to New York where my Mom picked me up in Poughkeepsie! It was so nice to see her face!

The week in New York flew by. I spent time with my dad, brother and mom most of the time. I stopped at the Davies, they bought a Hobie Cat sailing boat so I helped them set it up. I went for a beautiful hike with Jon Lewis (Mt. Beacon) and had dinner with the girls from Vassar. Jon and I also saw Get him to the Greek! and had a drink at a trendy spot in Poughkeepsie. I got sushi with Danielle, Matt and Jess in New Paltz (good ol' New Paltz, how I miss you much). I saw our old landlord, Barbie and her husband, Ron. My family had a bbq on Sunday so I got to spend time with them. Justin and I went to the north face outlet and I picked up some gear. We also went to Beacon and got some homemade ice-cream! I stopped at Vassar and tried to see everyone. It was my Dad's 60th birthday that week so we had a nice dinner for him Wednesday night at Red Robin. On Friday I left to go to Ohio with the Davies to visit Heather. I spent Friday evening with Heather and her family at dinner. We had German food! Yum Yum! After that I drove to Indianapolis (rented a car). Got to Indy (joe's parents) around 2:30am (that ride was crazy. The rental car was a CUBE and it sucks! Haha It was storming so the windshield whippers were dull and the car moved all over the road)

Sat morning Joe flew in from Cali and we all drove down to Panama City Fla for family vacation.
We spent Sat thru Friday in Fla with the family. It was a really nice time. The weather was so hot!

Few things we did:
Joe and Tyler went go karting!
Dinner at MELLOW(thanks Dave!) Mushroom pizzeria
Morning coffee on back porch overlooking the water
Apples to Apples.
Catch Phrase with family at Aunt Laura and Uncle Chris's hotel
Margarita Happy Hour
Zyon ate a jalepino for the first time!
Moonlight walk on the beach
Pool time! Got our tan on and played water football
Thursday night Joe, his brother Dave and Dave's girlfriend, Jenny, went out for the last night in town dinner. It was phenomenal seafood. I had lobster tail and steak!

We got into town Friday night. On Saturday, Joe, Dave and Nicole (the boys longtime friend) went to the Dave Matthews Show. We ran into some of Joe's old friends and his awesome cousin Brittany. Everyone in the Mid-west is just so down to earth and cool. I can't wait to move there next year (I know, kinda strange for a New Yorker to say that)
On Monday, we went to Joe's grandparents house and spend some good time with them. We then went out to dinner and got wings. We got to see Joe's good buddies, AJ and Dave BB.
Tuesday afternoon we left and departed to San Fran. Yes I flew and it wasn't bad. It's the taking off and landing that scares me. The landing freaks me out more if we are flying into a city where the airport is based off water (i.e. NY, San Fran)

Since we've been back, we've found an apartment (an old Victorian) and are staying at an inn until we can move in.
Also I have looked taking classes at the community college. Have decided to take a photography course and another class (not sure yet) this fall. I also want to learn how to glass blow and do woodwork. So I've been searching for workshops (if anyone knows of any, please tell)

This weekend was pretty eventful. On Saturday Joe and I went for a long walk into town down to the Warf and had the best Clam Chowder! After that we went to the driving range and hit a bucket of golf balls.
Today we went for a walk in Carmel-by-the-sea, went to an antique shop in Monterey and then played frisbee on the beach.

Will upload pictures soon. Have made a ton of to-do-lists that I want to post. Maybe if I put it out there, it will give me more motivation to accomplish it.
Hope everyone is well


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