Sunday, October 31, 2010

Birthday/Farmer's Market Fall Fun/Corn Maze/Halloween

ariel view of one of many corn mazes at Swank Farms throughout the years

What an amazing couple of weeks it's been! So as you all know, Joe and I tied the knot two weeks ago. Hands down, best moment/day/experience of my life.
Followed by such a special day, it was my birthday the following week. The big 2-5.... quarter century baby! Tuesday evening we rode our bikes to the farmer's market, buying heirloom tomato's. They are delicious, mixed with basil, balsamic dressing and mozzarella!
Joe surprised me with flowers and took me to the Fish House for birthday dinner on Wednesday.
It's been so beautiful here lately, so I've been riding my bike everywhere. Met with my friend Vicky at Plums (an amazing coffee/chai cafe). Friday I made lessons plans in the afternoon for the high schools at the YWCA. Then Joe and I went out to get some burgers and milkshakes in town.
Saturday we headed to Hollister to Swank Farms and explored a corn maze, watched a pig race and ate home made fudge. The corn maze was awesome! We were given a map with a puzzle to complete in order to navigate throughout the corn maze. After that we came home and had some tacos with our neighbors paired with some beer and vino. Good night.
Halloween in Pacific Grove isn't that happening, so Joe worked on the RV all day today next to the beach and I went grocery shopping..complete with a witches hat:)
Happy Halloween and Happy November!!!!! can't believe it's November already, which means we have been here for 6 months..

Wedding Photos!

the minister.

Friday, October 29, 2010

New Favorite

White Hinterland is my new fav band..and their song, Icarus, is just lovely.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Project

I am starting a food blog!!! and I would love love love if anyone wants to contribute!
It would be anything from best restaurant's in town, to recipes, to farmer markets, to what's best to eat, etc.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

May we always walk beside each other, never in front nor behind.
For you are the reason to my every thought, my forever love.

with this ring, I thee wed

I dreamed of a wedding with beauty and grace, a wedding with flowers and lace...
what a beautiful life!
I asked him what kind of wedding he wished for, he said one that would make me his wife..

Monday, October 25, 2010

we did it

Hey All!
Joe and I got married on Thursday October 21st.
I will post the pictures next week with the details. Hope all is well!
Cori Johnston

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I love my family.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Surprise! We got an RV!

Cori and Joseph Johnston Lover's Point, Pacific Grove California
This is where we stayed in our RV! So excited
Hello...(insert name here) still searching for a name..any suggestions?

Holy Pumpkin!
Look at this guys skill!

Ok, so we purchased an RV. A 1979 Dodge Tioga with only 35k miles on it! Cray-Cray! Any mechanical questions we have my dad to help so we are blessed:)
So I got in late Thursday night and spent Friday running errands and cleaning house. We then went to see the Monarch butterflies in town. Every year the Monarch butterflies migrate to our area. However, we were too early, they haven't arrived yet...Anywho..Sat morning we left Monterey early and headed to San Jose to pick up our new home! It's effing sweet. We are seriously considering living in it. We have a month to month lease on our place here, so it totally works out. So Sat we picked up the RV and headed to the Pumpkin Festival in Half Moon Bay. We went to the Festival and then headed down Highway 1 and found this amazing spot in Davenport where we parked the RV and set up shop. A few things need to be done to it (new fuses, seal the windows) but all in all this RV is sweeet. We slept pretty decent! We woke up right next to the Ocean and we walked across the street to a coffee joint and walked down to the water. After our morning enjoying our RV we headed home. We stopped in Santa Cruz for some gas and the craziest thing happened! This woman took off with the pump still attached to her car!!! I wanted to take a picture but the gas attendant was waving for her to come back and she was looking at me (I was in the store parking lot) So I felt kind of weird taking her picture cause I was obviously taking a picture of what just happened, but isn't that crazy?! Anyways, we got home, went grocery shopping, made some chilli and watched some football games...think I lost the football pool again..oh well.

pics from home

Grand Central
Tori and Diana
Trav and I (twins!)
Kay, Maddy and I
Bear Bear and I
Jon, Mom, Dad and me

Dan, Me, Jess, Matt

New Paltz
Hands down best burrito joint..Joe and I's favorite restaurant in NY
My dream farm house..(weeping willow tree's on the other side of house with the background over looking the New Paltz mountains)
Ipad surprise..only decent photo of the surprise..the rest I was crying..ha!