Sunday, October 17, 2010

Coast to Coast...back to Cali

Hey All!
What an adventurous couple of weeks its been. I started my journey on Sunday October 3rd and hopped on the train in Oakland towards New York. The train ride was a lot better this time around than last (I actually brought a pillow, blanket and food!). Also, my man surprised me with an early birthday present and got us the IPAD!!! So I had internet and movies to busy my mind.
We stopped in Denver on the second day then Chicago the following. Once in Chicago, I met up with cousin Jordan and chit chatted with him until he had to go to work. We took the train down to Lincoln park in Chicago and I ate at a burger place topped off with a delish and much needed blue moon. Around 9:30pm I hopped back on the train and headed towards New York. I got into New York on Wednesday around 7, greeted by my beautiful momma. We went back home and we had some yummy chinese food with Trav. Tori and Jon Lewis came over and we all just chilled. I spent my night relaxing in the hot tub outside that my dad and brother just built. It's pretty sweet. You can see the stars and have some good vino:)
Thursday Jon and I headed to New Paltz for some coffee and hiking. The leaves are changing and it's absolutely beautiful in NY. We walked around NP, got some food then headed to Minnewaska for a good hike. After that Mom, Dad and I went to the diner and had dinner.
Friday Mom took the day off so we spent the day visiting gram, shopping, errands...kind of like the old days! I missed them so much. We then went to see Aunt Toni and had lunch with her. After that, I met Steph and we walked to Walkway Bridge. I love that girl. It was so fun to catch up with her.
At night I headed to the Davies and had a really nice time with them. Meg and Jeff came up so I got to hang with them too. After that, I headed to NP and hung out with Tori and Trav. Sat I spent the day running errands with Gram, we went to the farm to get good veggies. I then met up with my cousin Anthony. We went pumpkin picking in New Paltz. After that I went home, hung out with my fam and headed to the Haunted Hayride. Danielle, Matty, Jess, Tim Craig, Tyler and Franki all went to the #1 Halloween attraction in America. Let me tell you, the line sucked! However, the entire experience was awesome. I definitely got scared and held on to everyone's hand! ha!
Sunday Jon, Mom, Dad and I went for a walk in New Paltz. I then slept over Kim's house. Monday-Thursday I spent the week staying at Tori's in New Paltz and Mom and Dad's. I hung out with Tori's Mom, She gave me a wedding dress!! It's so beautiful! A chiffon JCREW beach dress LOVE IT! I saw Aunt Erin and Maddy, Kay and Joseph! Had lunch with Gram and Uncle Joe at Panera Bread, Gram. Got dinner with Diane, Karen and Donna from work Tuesday night. It was so nice to see those ladies. Wednesday morning I spent the morning with Mom hanging out with her before she had work, then got sushi with Tori's Mom, Tori and Trav in New Paltz at night. Got coffee with Jon and then went home and hung out with Mom and Dad for my last night...I miss you all! I then got on the train towards NYC, got a cab from Grand Central to JFK and got on my flight at 6 and headed home.. It was an eventful week seeing everyone and running around like a crazy woman. But this is how it's gonna be every time I come home. It's nice because you appreciate everyone so much more when your away. I really missed Joey and California when I was in New York, which is strange because it's been such a huge adjustment but i'm really starting to get used to living out here. I'm growing up kiddos! Love you all

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