Sunday, July 17, 2011

Life in the last month!

We went to Hearst Castle...beautiful

I love this statue and picture
His pool..
His dining table
One of his famous ceilings

We stopped at Morro Bay (We drove the 1 from San Luis Obispo to PG) It reminded me so much of Rhode Island with the fisherman fish and chips stands.
The Bubble Gym alley in San Luis Obispo..people just stick their gym on the wall in the alley..kinda cool..really gross..I didn't really lick it
Depth of Field shot
Where we stayed (El Capitan Canyon in Santa Barbara)
The beach across the street from our campground
The place consist of Safari tents or log cabins (above)
The inside of our Safari Tent..a very cool experience
I went strawberry and raspberry picking 4th of July weekend at Gizdich Ranch in Watsonville, CA

Zyon and Joe in Big Sur, CA
The Mystery Spot, Santa Cruz, CA
Zyon loved the farmer's market in PG and Monterey (mostly the Kettle Corn runs in the family)
The boys at Pebble Beach
The lone Cypress tree
The aquarium
I love this guy..I don't know what kind of fish he was but man he was hamming it up for the camera!
Z on a cypress tree
We love and miss Zyon and Dan very much. It was so great having them out here and exploring the West with us.

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