The family and friends of George Rosenstein are uniting to raise money to help with his battle against lung cancer.

George was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer and underwent surgery the day after Christmas 2010, unfortunately the surgeon was unable to remove his tumor as it was wrapped around his bronchial tubes. George then underwent 3 months of intensive chemotherapy and radiation. The day that his treatment was completed he was notified that he must return to work as his FMLA had expired. He continues to commute 3 hours each day from home to work. George undergoes a Pet scan every 6 months so that the doctors will know if his cancer has spread. He just celebrated his 62nd birthday with the hope of retirement in his future. Unfortunately we have too much debt to allow George to stop working at this time. Each day George must find the strength to go to work another day. I pray that he stays strong but I wish he could have time in his life to enjoy the time he has left. Your donation could help make his Dream come true.


GOAL: $30,000.00
Raised: $150
  • Your daughter gave $100.00
    SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2012
    "It's so hard 2 believe I'm doing this 4 my father. When u go thru life u never imagine the 1s who mean the most 2 u would ever go thru this. It hurts so much. My father is my best friend. My mother is 2. I love u both and I'm here 4 u."
  • George My hope for you and your family is yoy get to retire and enjoy your time not working and healing. We are still praying for all of you. I hope this kicks off many donations in your name and uour wishes come true. Love Jablonski family...XO gave $50.00
    SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2012