Thursday, February 21, 2013

Scorpio Breakdown

Advice for Scorpios:
Supply the same constancy you expect from others, but also be less hard on yourself when it comes to mistakes. If at all possible, try to both forgive and forget. Leave excess baggage behind-the injuries of the past can be too heavy for anyone to bear, even you.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

It's a Celebration!

Happy Valentine's Day to all!
As you may (or may not, doesn't matter) I've been taking pre-req courses to apply to a Radiation Therapy program at Ball State about 45 minutes south of us. About three weeks ago I applied for the program, knowing that I did my best and hoped for the best.
Well this past Monday, I got an email from my advisor stating that they had made a decision about will contact all applicants no later than Tuesday. The email also stated that 42 people applied and there were 4 openings for the Radiation Therapy program.  The next day, after no sleep from the night before, I got an email stating that I was accepted!
I know this is a total humble brag post, but you know what, screw it. haha. I worked so hard and life has been so up and down for so long, it is finally nice to just have a confidence booster. My husband is the most amazing man ever to let me follow this dream and be supportive and I could cry just thinking about how great he truly is. Without his support and love I don't think I could have done it. Not only him but his family and my family. The love you all give to me is so appreciated and I truly truly love you.
So that being said, we had this trip to Chicago planned since October to go see The Book of Mormon for my birthday on Valentine's Day. We are currently in Chicago now and saw the musical last night. I don't think I laughed so hard in my life. Not only was it funny, it's was sarcastic, great and amazing!
Those south park guys really are smart.   I don't want to give too much away if you all see it.  But do!
So anyways, I will be posting pictures later of our trip.
Hope all is well

Saturday, February 9, 2013

today's news wraps tomorrows fish.
The Mad Hatter:
Have I gone mad?

I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

Monday, February 4, 2013

 Joe saved the boat!
 My hippie life
 Strong ladies
 Aunt Toni, cooking like a boss!

 The crew! Enough said
 Loving the moment

 this photo is so my brother and I. haha
 Trav scratched this tree and said, smell it! I smelled it and said it smelled like Root Beer! haha, can you guess what kind of tree this is?
 Lovely ladies

Sometimes, I just wanna post random pictures

 *Mad man photo shoot by Merici in California. Laura and I had so much fun!
 Talya!! My roomie in Brooklyn!
 Joe and I at Dispatch in Berkley,CA
 Mom and I
 My brother, Travis, and our dog Denali
 Dad playing the guitar
 Flowers for days
 Light bright with cuz Ant
 When Z came to visit us in Monterey!
 Zyon being a ninja!
 Joe at Carmel Mission
 Mountain Jam Music Festival!
 Bacon, Egg and Cheese sandwich from New York. Miss hard rolls
 Trav's girlfriend, Rachel, wrote a book!
 Potato Pancakes! This brings out the Jewish in me
 Lovely Nicole. We are hippie sisters
 Forgot these things exist! Found this beauty in Fort Wayne, IN
 Breakneck Mountain. Beacon, NY. All time best hike in the country
 Cheese fries with gravy, enough said
 Age 10. Denise and I. Tubing
 Molly and Jake!
 Congrats to the lovely couple, Dennis and Ani
 Joe's coworkers are awesome!
 Dave and Jenny's wedding!
 Pre-wedding/birthday celebration the night before!
 This was super sweet.
 Jem in town from San Fran! Seeing the folks!
 Good old Dad. Doesn't say much but man when he does, the tears flow
 Hey Look! We are brother and sister. Haha. just kidding
 Remember these? NYC Subway! Shout out to the 4 and 2 train
 Gosh, I surly miss my stomping grounds
 Italian Cookies!
 oh hey!

 New Paltz, NY
 Sand Dunes, Michigan
Betsy and I in Pacific Grove.