Sunday, January 26, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014

To do list!

So here is the latest To Do List that needs to be accomplished!

1. Dine at Joseph Decuis in Roanoke, IN. It is a culinary restaurant close to Fort Wayne, IN and I have heard so many great reviews about it. (May---> After classes are done)

2. Go to the Indy Art Museum for Robert Indiana's display (starting Feb 16)

3. Visit Kurt Vonnegut's library in downtown Indianapolis (Feb)

4. Jungle Jim's in Cincinnati (spring break?)

5. Louisville, KY (spring break?)

6. Shipshewanna, IN for Flea Market (May)

7. Ann Arbor, MI to visit (spring break?)

8. Thrift Shop in Detroit, MI (spring break?)

9. Mackinac Island, MI (summer)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Pay it forward.

So on Friday I stopped at Starbucks for coffee before class started. After I ordered at the drive through and pulled up to pay the gentleman working there He informed me that the person in the car ahead of me paid for my coffee. Surprised, I then offered to pay for the person behind me. As he was cashing me out, his coworker came up to him and asked him why there was a backup (I guess they were running 'slower' than normal) I overheard him say to his coworker that there has been a lot of pay it forwards today and that was why it was taking time. So, turns out a lot of people were paying for other's coffee at Starbucks that morning!
So that being said, I was part of this fantastic chain of events on Friday morning and it made me so happy! Because no matter how crappy of a day you are having (it can even be crappy first thing in the morning!), or what someone said, or if you messed up, there is still time to be kind and grateful. I loved being part of that!
Thanks Starbucks of downtown Indianapolis! You definitely surprised me!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014: scorpio overview

The intensity continues, Scorpio! You've been through quite a ride in 2013 and you're very clear that change is the only constant. With all of the trials and tribulations endured, you're certainly stronger than ever. The metaphor of the Phoenix rising from the ashes (often associated with your sign) could not be more apropos this year. You've let go of so much during the last year and now you're preparing for a major rebirth. After shedding layers upon layers and ancient attachments, you're ready for the new. This is your year to get crystal clear on what you're most passionate about and commit to it in the deepest way possible. You are an all-or-nothing sign to begin with, and this is a year when you simply must embrace your all-encompassing nature. You want to live life to the fullest, even if that means going to hell and back. It's what keeps you feeling on fire and stretched to your max. You want to know that you're growing and facing your deepest fears and insecurities, and coming back stronger for having done so. This is exactly where you're at when 2014 kicks in.
You've got both Saturn and the North Node of Fate in your constellation again this year, creating a powerful feeling of destiny. The North Node will move out of your stars in March, so you may be concluding a powerful evolutionary chapter around this time around intimacy and commitment fears. You're about to then enter a phase where you're being asked to look inward and reflect on the relationship you have with yourself, Scorpio. Put all of those hard lessons you survived in 2013 via your love life to the test by closely examining the relationship you have with yourself. How do you treat Number One?
With Saturn continuing to push you to your highest level of growth and maturity, you're feeling tested on a daily basis. Although this might be quite a grueling experience as Saturn can create a feeling of isolation or separation, you're being given the gift of finding out what you're really made of. When you no longer have external sources of support that are totally reliable, do you turn inward to your own resources or continue to focus on the disappointment? The test is to let go of any bitterness and just strengthen from within, Scorpio.

Merry Christmas from New York

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Joe and I went to New York for Christmas and it was great to spend the holiday with our loved ones. We spent Christmas Eve at Aunt Toni's house eating, drinking and laughing. Had Christmas at Mom and Dad's. We got some great clothes and essentials for school. Rachel (Trav's girlfriend) gave us this amazing chocolate from NYC. It was an arrangement of different chocolate but one in particular was awesome. It's POP ROCK CHOCOLATE! So cool! Max Brenner is the name of the brand.
Joe and I just hung around my parent's house, enjoying them and soaking it in.
We did end up going to this house in Lagrangeville, NY that holds the records for most Christmas lights ever. You drive up to the house, put on a particular radio station and the music is paired with the lights and lights up to the beats. It was awesome.
Danielle and Matt had a pot luck party and Heather and I went together. Joey stayed home. Got to see Denise and John and a few other familiar faces. I love them. It was really nice.
We drove back Saturday and stayed at a hotel and got home Sunday afternoon. Joe's Dad and Grandpa were in town so they stayed with us Sunday and Monday and flew out Tuesday evening. New Year's Eve Joe and I just hung around the house ( I made delicious cajun stew! Recipe coming soon) and were in bed by 12. Maybe next year we will go big where ever we live.
This year, 2014, I'm putting my energy out there for positivity, light, inspiration, health, new beginnings, and most importantly happiness.
2013 was a challenging, growing year and I am so grateful for it.
Happy New Year.
 Congrats to Nicole and Jimmy for their engagement. How Beautiful is her ring?!?! It's Morganite. So creative those two are. I love them
 Look at this gorgeous bunch of ladies. Thank you DV8 for an awesome time.
 The crew! I'm so lucky
 Madison and Kay grown up:( I used to cradle you both to sleep when I babysat you. I'm so proud to big your big cousin.
Photoshop fun