Sunday, January 12, 2014

Pay it forward.

So on Friday I stopped at Starbucks for coffee before class started. After I ordered at the drive through and pulled up to pay the gentleman working there He informed me that the person in the car ahead of me paid for my coffee. Surprised, I then offered to pay for the person behind me. As he was cashing me out, his coworker came up to him and asked him why there was a backup (I guess they were running 'slower' than normal) I overheard him say to his coworker that there has been a lot of pay it forwards today and that was why it was taking time. So, turns out a lot of people were paying for other's coffee at Starbucks that morning!
So that being said, I was part of this fantastic chain of events on Friday morning and it made me so happy! Because no matter how crappy of a day you are having (it can even be crappy first thing in the morning!), or what someone said, or if you messed up, there is still time to be kind and grateful. I loved being part of that!
Thanks Starbucks of downtown Indianapolis! You definitely surprised me!

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