Thursday, July 22, 2010

Last November I went to San Francisco by myself. It was the first trip I've taken alone and I absolutely loved it. Don't get me wrong, traveling with friends or family is a great bonding experience. But there is something very special about going somewhere by yourself and diving into the depths of your soul. Just ask Danielle. She traveled Europe for an entire month by herself. Sure she did it with a group of strangers, but ultimately she did it by herself. There are plenty of women who are packing up their bags and exploring. We are in search for our true selves without having to identify with a specific job or a car that we drive or the labels we wear. We are constantly fearful that we won't achieve our dreams and win that rat race. We fear that we won't have a specific job that matches our college major. But its like a catch 22. We need to have a successful job to make ends meet. We need to find a job that matches our college major because we spent so much money on our college education.
Maybe these trips aren't designed for us to find ourselves but rather make it feel ok if we are at a standstill or rather lost. I think we are on to something very new and exciting for women our age. The books, Eat Pray Love and The Lost Girls are very popular because they are relatable! We can identify with these women and their desire to experience life outside ourselves.

While visiting San Francisco I did all of the tourist attractions (Colt Tower, Lombard St..etc) However, it was my trip to Yosemite that completed the trip. What is so special about Yosemite is the weather. It's constantly changing which provides the best pictures. One moment it can be raining and the next moment the fog could sweep in and cover the entire terrain. It was a very peaceful experience. I absolutely loved it and cannot wait for another trip by myself. I really want to visit Alaska and see Denali National Park and the Northern Lights.
As for the rambling above, share your thoughts if you'd like or feel free to laugh at my words :) Either way, thanks for listening.

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