Tuesday, July 20, 2010


found this amazing website: VisitCalifornia.org that provides a boat load of things to do in California broken down by Northern, Central and Southern regions.

Things-to-do in California before departure:

*Hike the Pinnacles-Check
*Garlic Festival in Gilroy-nope
*Visit Half Moon Bay
*Watch movie at Forest Theater in Carmel(outside theater)-Check
*Photograph Wineries in Monterey
*Visit the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz (The laws of gravity do not apply there..pretty rad)-Check
*Bathe at Calistoga Hot Springs Pool
*Napa and Sonoma (photograph and get drunk)
*Alcatraz tour
*Dine at the Monterey Fish House and the Swiss Fondue Resturante
*Lake Tahoe
*Humbolt Redwoods
*Yosemite (went already..this time with Joey)
*Monterey Ghost Tour
*Joshua Tree Park
*Snowboard at Mammoth
*Raft the American River
*Indoor Sky Diving
*Photograph Mt. Shasta

Also Danielle and I are starting a book club if anyone is interested. The current novel is The Lost Girls (a memoir)
I have yet to start the book but will be doing so soon.

Joe's friend, Dennis, is coming to visit this weekend. We will hike the pinnacles and go to the garlic festival. The apartment is coming along. We found a futon, coffee table and end tables. We need to get a dresser, night stand, desk and a lounge chair. Then we will be done with our beautiful apartment. Going to furnish the house with my photography. Got one of my photographs on a 30' X 20' canvas (the default photo on blog) to go in our living room. That will be pretty sweet. Going to get a canvas today and start painting.

Any-who hope all is well
Miss you

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cori! It's Amanda, one of the authors of The Lost Girls! I saw your post and wanted to let you know that if your book club can purchase 15 or more books, we can do a Skype Q&A with you during your discussion night. Let me know if you're interested! I'm at lostgirlsworld@gmail.com
