Monday, November 29, 2010

Must Watch!

A mountain climber becomes trapped under a boulder for 127 hours..his only way of survival is the cut off his arm...

Kids, go see this movie..We are blessed to have a theater here, OSIO Theater, that plays indy films and watched it this weekend..this movie is a must see. James Franco is amazing and the story is truly inspirational.
Let me know what you think..

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sums up the night


Greens sauteed with garlic and lemon zest, turkey, homemade cranberry, mac and cheese, boiled carrots, homemade cornbeard, sweet potatoes with marshmellows, pumpkin and banana cream pie...
Table set!
Our bar
Cornbread...homemade..oh yahh
Joe's perfection!

Roasted Chestnuts
Perfect night time fire
After dinner walk
Merici and her pups!

Stroll around lover's point park
Eating grub!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! What did you do?
Joe and I spent two days making a homemade delicious meal for ourselves and our lovely neighbors. After dinner, we took a stroll down to lovers point park. We took Merici's dogs and let them run in the sandy volleyball court! They are so cute! We then finished the night having a fire then eat leftovers then having a food fight ha!. Anywho it was really nice and we cooked some good food!
Now it's time to get a Christmas tree and decorate while sipping eggnog and listening to the classics!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Butterfly Tress

Hey All! Hope everyone is well and prepared for Thanksgiving! Joe and I are staying in Cali for the holiday. But no worry, we are cooking a delish meal and having our neighbors over for a pleasant dinner.
Been a couple of busy weeks here in the Bay. We got rid of cable and internet, so we've been kind of bored but happy! We are in limbo of moving. The studio downstairs is not ready, so we are unsure of our status on 16th st.
Schools been going well, we are preparing the kids for resume's. I too have been getting my resume and essay together for graduate school. It really is a drag to write an essay.
Any is good. Uploaded a few pictures, hung out in Carmel By The Sea. Very cute town..Also, the monarch butterflies have started to migrate into our area, so tree's are filled with flying orange and black. Last weekend was the tree lighting at Del Monte was a great community outing.
Enjoy the week!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Big Sur Camping and Esalen Hot Springs

Hot Springs

Hot Springs

Hot Springs
Campground Redwood Tress

Good ol fire at night..perfect
We camped right next to a river

We went camping this weekend in Big Sur. Joe drove the RV and I followed him in the Honda. I don't know if you know this, but one of my biggest irrational fears is driving south on Highway 1 because of it's twists and turns. So driving to Big Sur was a big moment in my small little life. And I was perfectly fine, surprisingly. It was a beautiful ride.
Once we got to our campground and set up shop, we drove down a little further down the 1 to check out where the Esalen Hot Springs were located. The Hot Springs are open to the public by Reservation Only from 1:00am to 3:00pm. Clothing optional! Once we got back to our campground site, we had a fire, drank some vino and beers, ate some burritos and took a little cat nap. We then woke up and drove to the hot springs. It was a once in a lifetime experience. These hot springs are located right off the Pacific Ocean with a silent and quiet room. Both rooms have individual clawfoot baths and stone whirlpool tubs that overlook the ocean. The silent room in enclosed with the back door exposed to hear the ocean. The quiet room has no walls, so you can bath outside and see the beautiful stars. You can stretch on one of the massage tables, or take a nap listening to the waves crash. The water is very hot. There is also a room with showers that has no back wall, so you can literally shower while looking at the ocean. It's ridiculous and anyone who visits us I promise we will take you there. Really, can you think of a experience where you can bath in hot mineral water, look at the stars, and hear the ocean crash? Hands down one of the best things we've ever done.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Counseling/Change of Last Name/Anthropologie/Santa Cruz/Capitola

Busy week,
So Monday and Wednesday I counseled at a high school and middle school. The counseling is going well. I am starting to get the hang of it and feel comfortable with the kids.
Had to get the paper work together for my last name to change since I'm an old married lady now (love it!) Have to go to the DMV on Monday to get a Cali license and our RV registered.
Have been looking for Thanksgiving recipes...Joe and I will be out here so I want to make a great meal, but not a huggge meal..any suggestions? Maybe Turkey Breast?
Yesterday I went to Anthropologie, had a gift card to use (thanks Mom!), and above is the outfit I bought...
Today my friend Vicky and I went to Santa Cruz and walked around Pacific Ave with all the cute shops. We grabbed some lunch then drove into Capitola, kind of like a mellow/surf town beach town, similar to Carmel by the Sea but less ritzy. Joe used to live there a few years back. Cute town.
So gonna finish the week by completing my application to Graduate School tomorrow after making lesson plans at the YWCA and then camping in Big Sur and bathing at the Eslean Inst. Hot Springs on Sat....oh la la. Will update you on that next week.
Have a great weekend! Maybe Joe will win the NFL pool again, or if luck has it I will(HA!)