Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Butterfly Tress

Hey All! Hope everyone is well and prepared for Thanksgiving! Joe and I are staying in Cali for the holiday. But no worry, we are cooking a delish meal and having our neighbors over for a pleasant dinner.
Been a couple of busy weeks here in the Bay. We got rid of cable and internet, so we've been kind of bored but happy! We are in limbo of moving. The studio downstairs is not ready, so we are unsure of our status on 16th st.
Schools been going well, we are preparing the kids for resume's. I too have been getting my resume and essay together for graduate school. It really is a drag to write an essay.
Any who..life is good. Uploaded a few pictures, hung out in Carmel By The Sea. Very cute town..Also, the monarch butterflies have started to migrate into our area, so tree's are filled with flying orange and black. Last weekend was the tree lighting at Del Monte Mall...it was a great community outing.
Enjoy the week!

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