Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Date weekend!

Friday night Joe and I went to Carmel by the Sea at night to walk around while sipping hot apple cider. We strolled the streets window shopping, viewing artists and people watching. We stumbled across the Cypress Inn (pic in previous post). The hotel had a beautiful courtyard lined with white Xmas lights. Saturday we went back to Carmel and ate lunch at LUCA, an italian deli.
After Carmel we went to the Gem and Mineral festival in Monterey. It was interesting, informative and fun. We then went to Beverly's (a cheaper version of Michael's) and tried on some halloween hats (see pic).
We then walked into town and got some Thai. It was delicious. After dinner we walked to the movie theater and watched Money Ball. It is a must see. Jonah Hill did a great job!
Sunday we did absolutely nothing except watch TV and eat KFC. Ha!
Monday I surprised Joe by decorating our home with birthday presents and balloons. We never got to celebrate his bday on the West Coast so we had a lil birthday party.
On another note, I signed Joe and I up for another 5k in November. This time it's the Big Sur Half Marathon event. We are starting to train and since we are going to Florida in two weeks we are definitely hitting the gym hard. Hope all is well.

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