Friday, October 19, 2012

Do you believe in signs? I'm not sure if I ever shared this story but it's a good one:

Back when I was working in NY, before I met Joe, I would always cross paths with this one therapist who worked at the hospital. Vassar Hospital was pretty big and I would constantly run into people all the time, but it was this one employee who for some reason I was strangely drawn to. Whether it be us in the same elevator, sitting across from each other in the cafe, driving next to her, walking into work together..But anyway, for a while this kept happening. It wasn't something to think much about it but just simply shrug your shoulders and go about your day.

I was having some personal things going on in my life, I moved, was battling with big changes and trying to figure out what my next move was in life. I was shadowing different career's, feeling somewhat lost.I had just booked my first solo trip and was going to start rebuilding my life. After a couple of months, I stopped running into this girl.  It was right around the time that I met Joe. One our first date (we went to the Walkway on the Hudson) we talked about life and the conversation came up on how he got the travel job at Vassar. Turns out, that girl that I kept running into, went on maternity leave, so they needed a therapist to fill in for her. Vassar ended up calling Joe's friend, Danny, first to offer him the job. Danny had just been offered a job in Alaska and recommended Joe. Joe accepted and he started the next week. Life is filled with these moments. These "what if's". What if that girl never got pregnant?  What if Joe had gotten a call a week earlier to work in Alaska instead of his friend, Danny. What if I never declined graduate school a year earlier to take that Vassar job. Would we have met? I remember I first saw Joe on a Friday in the deli. I didn't know him but I remember feeling something. I spent that weekend with my friend Tamara going to a concert and feeling this presence and I couldn't stop thinking about him. What was that? I know I didn't make it up.  I've always knew he existed but it was when I wasn't looking he showed up. 
He did show up and I am so thankful to be called his wife. 

You are my everything  My soul. I love you Joseph Andrew Johnston. Happy Anniversary. 

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