Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I come from a family where if you want to eat a pie, you make the dough. If you want meatballs, you make them from scratch. If you want italian sauce, well you get the point.
Anyway, all my life I've watched my mother, grandmother and aunts prepare these grand meals. Even my brother got the itch a few years ago and boy does he make some damn good meals.
I should've helped more in the kitchen, but honestly I was lazy and wanted to play outside.

I've been living on my own for the last four years now so you would think that I would have acquired this skill, but I just got distracted with work or yummy take out. Don't get me wrong, I cooked meals but never enjoyed it.

However, I don't know if it's all the free time I have out here or it's the future wife to be gene kicking in, but I've had this desire to match my italian family skill. And most importantly, I enjoy it! It doesn't hurt to know that Joe really enjoys my cooking too.

Some favorites:
*Chili (ground meat, beans, corn, tomato sauce and spices)
*Coconut red curry chicken with steamed squash, zucchini, onion, sweet potatoes and garlic nhan
*Homemade meatballs (just add egg, parmesan cheese, tomato paste, spices and bread crumbs)
*Chicken and home-made biscuit dumplings
*The best guacamole in town
*Mexicalli burritos
*Home made Jelly (yes that's right) and Spicy Jelly (Mixed berry with Cayenne pepper and Peach with Jalapenos)
*Steak, shrimp marinated with soy sauce and sugar (thanks trav!) with sauteed kohlrabi or baked sweet potato fries
*Steamed kale with red vinegar and garlic

More food to make, will let you know my progress
I really want to learn to make home-made pasta and somehow master a pecan pie (for Joe's grandpa for Thanksgiving)

The holiday's are quickly approaching so I would like to prepare an awesome meal and an arrangements of Christmas cookies. I'd also like to learn how to make fudge. It would be cool to learn how to make those awesome cakes you see on Cake Boss, but that's a stretch.

What's your favorite meal?

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