Sunday, September 26, 2010

Community outings

Our street is lit up like pumpkins at night
Us at the football game
Friday Night Lights...our team lost tho (bad! 41-7..ouch)
We went down to the beach and fed the ducks..

Friday night we went to the high school football game at night. It was really fun. The stadium and track is crazy! An all weather track and astroturf for the field. It's professional (ha!).
Saturday we rode our bikes to the gym, had a good run and lift then went out to dinner for a burger and fries on Cannery Row at the Brewery. After that we went to the local theater and saw The Town with Ben Affleck..It was a pretty decent movie, have you seen it?
Today we watched the morning football games, went for a bike ride, came back and made nachos and clams with garlic and pasta and watched more football games...yum yum:)

How was your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. I love Friday night football games! The new football field and track at Marlboro is awesome! Astroturf for the little old Dukes!? LOL
    Have you seen the movie of Cannery Row? Steinbeck? What a great story!
