Tuesday, September 21, 2010


*stayed at the Hilton on Michigan Ave
*Joe's mom has the best style
*Jenny..wish you came with us:( and of course you too Dan and Lisa
*This is the life

*Dave, Z and Darrell

Lisa :)

Joe and I flew home to Indy last Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. We spent two days in Indy spending time with family and eating good:) Friday morning Joe, Dave, Kenny and Drew flew to Chicago (Drew's a pilot) and Linda and I drove to Chicago. The boys went to the Dave Matthew's concert at Wrigley Field Friday and Saturday night. Linda and I spent some quality time together. Friday night Linda and I went to Sono, a restaurant that Jordan (Joe's cousin) wait's at. The food was sooo good. We (Linda, Joe, Dave, Drew, Kenny and I) spent Saturday visiting the city by going to Navy Pier and spending time with Jordan's parents, brother and roommate. That night Linda and I went out to dinner with Laura and Chris and Colin. I had a yummy burger (caramelized onions with blue cheese).
Sunday Joe and I wondered around Michigan Ave, got some good food, watched the football game and flew home to Cali...Now back to the grind..
Hope all is well xo

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