Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lake Tahoe!

Joe and I celebrated Labor Day in Lake Tahoe and ooh how beautiful it was. The mountains are as huge as Colorado and the Lake is like Lake George in New York. It really is the best of both worlds. You can hike, ski, snowboard, snow-shoe, bike ride, run, all water-sports, ice climb, mountain get the point. It's my new favorite place.
We stayed at Harrah's casino located at South Tahoe (Nevada border!) and got in late Friday night. Saturday morning, we got breakfast and went to the lake and caught some rays. After that we walked around the town and saw all the great shops, North Face, Quicksilver, ski/snowboard shops etc. There is also a gondola in the heart of the town that brings you to the BASE of the ski mountain! Once you get to the base, you then take lifts to the ski runs. The elevation of Tahoe is about 6,000 and change. We weren't aware of the high elevation until we had a couple of drinks in us, or shall I say I wasn't aware of it because I got sick. And I only drank two glasses of wine and was done for. Ha.
So Saturday night we had a couple of drinks, Joe gambled, I got sick and had take in at our hotel. As lame as that might sound, it was really nice to just lay low. The next day we walked around town and took a drive around Tahoe. We had a delicious lunch at a waterfront restaurant (marinated clams, cheese quesadillas and french dip tri tip sandwich, YUM). After lunch we strolled through town then went back to our hotel until the fireworks began. The fireworks were spectacular! We watched them from the beach. They were lit off of a barge in the middle of the lake and lasted for a good half hour. There were fireworks in the design of smiley faces and hearts. It was very cool. After the fireworks, Joe and I got a drink and a small meal and hit the hay. All in all it was an awesome weekend. I can't wait for us to go back and go camping!!! There is camping right on the beach~
Any-who, Hope your weekend was great. Danielle and Jess left this week. Sad about that :( but really happy for their upcoming adventures in Portland!
Back to the grind people, cleaning, laundry, Joe's Bday Celebration!!!, Internship, Photography course...yada yada.


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