Tuesday, September 7, 2010

look who else came to town!

Danielle's sister in law, Jess, flew into town last Wednesday. They are on a month long trip from California to Portland. It's very exciting! and so nice to have them here. Last night was the first night I got to really spend some time with Jess. Jon Lewis came to town last Thursday and then we all went out to dinner at the Fish House, which by the way is the best place to eat ever! The girls had this honey almond crusted sea bass dish and I had home made pasta with shrimp scampi yum yum. The boys had some other delish fish dishes *don't remember*
Anyway so Joe and I went away to Lake Tahoe (next post..) and we got back last night. We were surprised by a basket of gifts for appreciation of letting Jess stay! We got wine, chocolate, wine glasses with chalk!, a wine cap, and best of all!!! A coffee pot with coffee and mugs!!! It was the best present ever! Thank you!!!
After a mini xmas, Jess, Dan and I went down to the Warf and got some beer's and chowda. I love Blue Moon, such a good beer.
Anywho back to the grind of things, laundry, grocery shop, clean, internship...
Hope all is well..will post Tahoe soon

1 comment:

  1. dani!!!!! love your face too hope you guys had killer time out there
