Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Acupuncture and Cupping

The lovely Ariele, who is an acupuncturist, performed Acupuncture and Cupping treatments on me today. She took my pulse and determined that my Kidney and Heart were unaligned. No need to fret. It simply means that my kidney energy flow is low which causes my heart to work over time. Hence, ANXIETY! Lightbulb moment starts now.
Therefore, she cupped my lower back and did acupuncture on my scalp, chest, arms, legs and kidneys. Let me tell you, it was fascinating and very cool. I was nervous at first but the needles do not hurt at all. When she took the needles out, I could literally feel my "energy" release. The cupping is a weird sensation. It feels hot at first but then cold. I suggest everyone do it. I was very fortunate to have a friend who graced me with her gift. DO IT!

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