Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Saturday, May 18, 2013

First week of school

My I just survived my first week of therapy school.
Overwhelming, absolutely. Exciting, definitely. Hard, you bet!
The first three days were classes. We started going over radiation physics and biology. That part is going to be tough.
I started clinical's Thursday. I will have three rotation sites throughout the fourteen month program. Clinical's were good. A little intimidating. But, fascinating.
Thursday night I drove back home to Fort Wayne. Felt nice to be home with Joe. Thank God for Face-Time.
Exciting news for Joe. He had his interview at Notre Dame. He thinks it went really well. He should know within a week or two whether he's in. The program is 21 months and one weekend a month. One week he has to go to South America or Asia with his cohort for a business project. So when he graduates he will have his Executive MBA Masters Degree. Pretty fancy I'd say. So proud of him.
So yeah, the next two years will be strictly school for us two. It might be another year for me when I'm done with school because I might go to school for Dosimetry. Radiation Therapist deliver the treatment and Dosimetry plans the treatment. But, we will just see how the year goes.
Then hopefully we can move back East. Fingers crossed.
Life in Indianapolis is nice. Am able to spend some time with the family. Haven't explored anything yet just because I've been so tired every night from class. But I plan on joining a swimming pool and swimming.
Anyway, Off to New York for the Memorial Weekend. Will be a short but sweet visit.
hope all is well.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Thanks for this quote, Aunt Jen!

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. - Ambrose Bierce

Daddy's girl always.

I was having this conversation with one of my best friends the other day about my Dad. I was telling her that although we don't talk every day, whenever we do talk, his advice and love is what makes me strong. I have two strong men in my life. Joe and My Father. They both have shaped me in many ways. Joe, for his kindness. And Dad, for his strength. 
Here is an email my Dad sent me earlier today. I sent him a photo of me in my new scrubs and we were talking about me being confident and sticking up for myself. Something I struggle with. Going into new situations you have to be prepared to be confident and strong. Starting Monday, a new life begins....Anyways I was joking with him and told him that I still am Tornado Cori if I'm pissed, though! Haha, just ask family and closest friends :) Anyways, his email made my day and just proves how amazing he is.

Alway good to see that you still have that. A kicking sprit about you.Whats more beautiful than a great looking woman that does not take shit? You look great,We all miss you. 
Always thinking of you Cori ,Never forget that

Never, Ever, Give up

Thursday, May 9, 2013

It's important to know that there isn't one "slot" for us women. We all have our place, wether it is to shine at that exact moment or let someone else to shine. Too often do we criticize and judge. When truthfully, we are all in this together. We all experience heartache, confusion, happiness, joy, success, the pain, all of it....womanhood.
Thank you, Danielle. For sending this and for being an amazing woman in my life.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


There is a town north of Fort Wayne called Shipshewana. It is an Amish town. Everyone is Amish and everything is home made and work is done with your hands or your horse.
Joe and I went up there a couple of months ago. I bought a beautiful sweater.
Every summer there is a Flea Market/Auction on Tuesdays and Wednesday. People from all over the world attend this town because of it's unique antiques.
Today I went up there and shopped around. There was a mint condition antique Schwinn Bicycle that they had auction off for $300. That is unheard of in New York and California. This place is a dream for  antique collectors. I was speaking to a owner of a shop and she informed me that people from Italy, California and such forth have visited her shop.
The Amish are very friendly and their craftsmanship is phenomenal. It is Folk Art to the maximum. They have buggy rides, homemade popcorn and lots of shopping. The town is small but it is surrounded by farmers. The Amish do not use tractors but rather horses to turn their soil. It is quite sad to see I must admit. Sometimes I wonder if those horses want to run free.
Anyways, they make amazing apple butter and homemade fried chicken in a pressure cooker. I think Joe and I are going to go there Friday night for dinner to try it out.
I'm glad to have finally made it up there for the flea market. It's been on the to do list.
One more final tomorrow. Then onward and upward....

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fairmount, Indiana = James Dean Hometown

James Dean grew up 40 miles south of Fort Wayne. Every time we drive by the exit, I always say "I want to visit the town"
Well today I finally had some time off and drove down to Ball State to get some books and on my way back I traveled into the town.
I first went to the cemetery. His tombstone is small and does not have his birthday on it. Only the years. I found that to be so strange. Some celebrities have huge tombstones. While in town I stopped at the local museum and the owner was telling me he was raised a Quaker, which explains his simple tombstone.
The town is extremely small, with one stop light in town. His church celebrates his birthday every September. They have a James Dean festival every year. It involves a look a like contest and a car show (he loved cars).
The farm he grew up on is by far the biggest farm in the town. It's beautiful.
I'm fascinated by him. In the Museum they have his original leather jacket. Amazing.


Joe, Dan, Lisa, A.J, Jen and I went to Chicago for the weekend to catch a Cubs game.
Joe and I got there Friday night and had dinner with A.J. and Jen. We had authentic deep dish Chicago style pizza. It was my first time trying this pizza. Now, as a New Yorker, pure blood, I'd have to say it was pretty amazing. New York pizza is huge and thin but Chicago pizza is chunky, deep, delicious.
I'm torn between the two. I couldn't only eat one slice because it was so fulfilling.
Saturday morning Dan and Lisa got to Chicago and we headed to Wrigley-ville to pre game. Wrigley Ville is a bunch of bars and restaurants outside of the Chicago Cubs stadium.
We headed into the stadium to watch the game and it was pretty awesome. When I was younger I went to a Yankee's game and a couple of years ago, Joe and I caught a spring training game in Arizona. But the atmosphere of a major league game at it's home turf as an adult was awesome. If Joe and I move to Chicago I could totally seeing this as a monthly ritual during season.
After the game we shared a couple of drinks and then got a great idea to climb a statue outside of the stadium. It was shaped as a noodle so everyone was climbing it and taking pictures. Well, Joe, Lisa, Dan and I thought this would be a good idea. Until we all fell off. All of us are pretty badly bruised but Lisa got hurt the most. She hit her head and has a concussion. Her CT is fine though. I know this isn't funny, cause we were all really scared, but looking back we can all laugh at how dumb we were.
Other than that, we had a nice time. haha.
Joe and I went to the Grand Lux in the morning in Downtown Chicago. Joe got some shirts for his interview next week.
Since we've been home, I've been getting ready for school. Ordered my scrubs, lab coat and books today. Got some awesome white Nike shoes.
I have one more final on Thursday and then I am done with classes up here. It's almost Mother's Day. Any good ideas?
Hope all is well.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

And this is why Jon Stewart is the man..check out the link :)