Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Joe, Dan, Lisa, A.J, Jen and I went to Chicago for the weekend to catch a Cubs game.
Joe and I got there Friday night and had dinner with A.J. and Jen. We had authentic deep dish Chicago style pizza. It was my first time trying this pizza. Now, as a New Yorker, pure blood, I'd have to say it was pretty amazing. New York pizza is huge and thin but Chicago pizza is chunky, deep, delicious.
I'm torn between the two. I couldn't only eat one slice because it was so fulfilling.
Saturday morning Dan and Lisa got to Chicago and we headed to Wrigley-ville to pre game. Wrigley Ville is a bunch of bars and restaurants outside of the Chicago Cubs stadium.
We headed into the stadium to watch the game and it was pretty awesome. When I was younger I went to a Yankee's game and a couple of years ago, Joe and I caught a spring training game in Arizona. But the atmosphere of a major league game at it's home turf as an adult was awesome. If Joe and I move to Chicago I could totally seeing this as a monthly ritual during season.
After the game we shared a couple of drinks and then got a great idea to climb a statue outside of the stadium. It was shaped as a noodle so everyone was climbing it and taking pictures. Well, Joe, Lisa, Dan and I thought this would be a good idea. Until we all fell off. All of us are pretty badly bruised but Lisa got hurt the most. She hit her head and has a concussion. Her CT is fine though. I know this isn't funny, cause we were all really scared, but looking back we can all laugh at how dumb we were.
Other than that, we had a nice time. haha.
Joe and I went to the Grand Lux in the morning in Downtown Chicago. Joe got some shirts for his interview next week.
Since we've been home, I've been getting ready for school. Ordered my scrubs, lab coat and books today. Got some awesome white Nike shoes.
I have one more final on Thursday and then I am done with classes up here. It's almost Mother's Day. Any good ideas?
Hope all is well.

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