Wednesday, May 8, 2013


There is a town north of Fort Wayne called Shipshewana. It is an Amish town. Everyone is Amish and everything is home made and work is done with your hands or your horse.
Joe and I went up there a couple of months ago. I bought a beautiful sweater.
Every summer there is a Flea Market/Auction on Tuesdays and Wednesday. People from all over the world attend this town because of it's unique antiques.
Today I went up there and shopped around. There was a mint condition antique Schwinn Bicycle that they had auction off for $300. That is unheard of in New York and California. This place is a dream for  antique collectors. I was speaking to a owner of a shop and she informed me that people from Italy, California and such forth have visited her shop.
The Amish are very friendly and their craftsmanship is phenomenal. It is Folk Art to the maximum. They have buggy rides, homemade popcorn and lots of shopping. The town is small but it is surrounded by farmers. The Amish do not use tractors but rather horses to turn their soil. It is quite sad to see I must admit. Sometimes I wonder if those horses want to run free.
Anyways, they make amazing apple butter and homemade fried chicken in a pressure cooker. I think Joe and I are going to go there Friday night for dinner to try it out.
I'm glad to have finally made it up there for the flea market. It's been on the to do list.
One more final tomorrow. Then onward and upward....

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