Monday, February 28, 2011
No words for a title.
Turns out rescheduling my appointment was no problem. The next day, however, Joe's grandmother, who has been very sick, passed away. So Joe was able to rebook our flight for the next day (Saturday) after fighting tooth and nail to change our reservation without pay (he succeeded) We would spend the week in Indy and the wake/funeral is on Wed and Thursday.
Also, I had signed up for a photography class and ended up having to cancel the entire class due to me missing last Thursday and this Thurday (I thought I would only miss one class but two is a stretch because it's such a short course)
Saturday morning comes and we are getting ready to go when we make the decision that we need to take the RV to the airport because in Pacific Grove you need to move your vechicle every 72 hours (and if you remember from some posts ago, our RV was towed because we failed to do so) So we walk about a mile up the road to get the RV and it stalls and then eventually does not start (mind you, this happened while we were trying to do a u-turn in the middle of the road, therefore we were stuck in the middle of the road) We ran out of gas. Fortunately some nice men helped us push the RV back to the side of the road and we were given a ride to our house to fill up a small gas tank to bring back to the RV. After getting the RV fixed (with 20 mins to spare to shower/pack before we need to go to the airport) we head up to San Jose again. Once there the flight again is delayed. But this time it's ok if we miss our delayed flight because we are told our connecting flight is delayed as well and we would get to Indianapolis later on that night. Once boarded, they realize there is a mechanical problem with the flight and we await on the plane for 2 hours until they fix the cargo door that does not close. All the while we keep being told that our flight from Phoenix to Indianapolis is delayed as well. So after arriving in Phoenix our flight is no where to be found. Turns out that plane departed about 2 hours prior. So much for correct information. So they gave us a hotel voucher and upgraded tickets to first class to leave the next day at the same time (7:40pm) Usually this would have sucked but we have a friend who lives in Phoenix.
So we call our friend Kenny and we go out in town, get some drinks, watch a live band, get drunk and call it a night. Next day Kenny picked us up and we went to the Chicago Cubs Spring Training baseball game (most teams spring train in Arizona due to the weather)
After the game we explored some of Arizona (Scottsdale, downtown Phoenix), went to my favorite thrift chain shop Buffalo Exchange, got some food and then got to the airport to catch our flight. Cue in the dramatic music now.
We got on our flight, first class extravaganza with free drinks and took off. We were informed that the flight attendants would have to stay seated for the first hour due to turblance. So after some light to moderate turblance we were served dinner and allowed to move around. After about 45 minutes I look out the window and see lightning from far away. Panic starts to set in. Then the flight attendants are instructed to clean up the plane as quickly as possible and get seated because we are expecting more turblance. That turblance was a TORNADO! After about one hour of severe turblance we are told that the Indianapolis airport had a microblast and it caused their radar to shut down as well as the entire airport. Therefore we were told we would be flying into Columbus Ohio. It took us, no joke, one hour to decend through a tornado which would usually take 15 minutes. The entire sky was white (lightning) The entire airplane shook uncontrollably and I was literally crying my eyes out. Finally, we get on the ground. I tell Joe that no matter what they try to do (they wanted to let the storm pass and then take off again) we are getting off the plane and renting a car to drive back (about 3 hours away) and we would pick up our checked luggage in Indianapolis. Well I wasn't the only one. About 40 other people had the same feeling with fear in their eyes but relief to be off this crazy flight. We get off the flight and are given a hotel voucher. We get some shut eye and the next morning we find out that all rental cars are SOLD OUT due to everyone having the same idea (I guess there was other flights that had the same problem) We also find out that the flight that we got off of took off again to try to land in Indianapolis but had the same exact problem and turned right around and landed in Columbus Ohio again at 4am. WHY WOULD YOU GO THROUGH A TORNADO AGAIN? That storm was traveling at 75mph. The airline then shuttled busses for the passengers to Indianapolis at 6am. So after being stuck in Columbus Joe's Mom ended up picking us up in the afternoon and we got into Indianapolis at 8:30pm Monday night (we left California Sat). Tomorrow we are heading to the airport in search for our luggage. Wish us luck. Oh and it's a good possibility that I will be taking a train back home.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Life lessons by the very funny Erin Foster
They say there are few certainties in life. Not true.
Your mom is always right about how special you are, your dad is always right about a guy’s intention, and you can’t trust someone who doesn’t drink coffee. Europeans are condescending. No one is interested in hearing about your dream last night unless there is sex involved. No one will admit to being a fan of Train, but most people will sing along to it alone in their car. People who wear sunglasses indoors have low self-esteem. Automatic spell check on text messages has made it impossible to know how smart someone is. We don’t want to know how often you fantasize about Megan Fox, and you don’t want to know how often we fake it with you, so let’s just keep lying. Being defensive has never convinced someone of your point, and yet we keep doing it. No one is immune to criticism from others. Except Kanye West. The only people who should be allowed to procreate are the ones who refuse to be on facebook. I realize I won’t be one of those people.Whenever someone comes clean to you about something, you are still only getting two thirds of the real story. Any guy who lets you gossip and watch reality tv without judging you is marriage material. If you don’t demand the best for yourself, no one will freely offer it up.You should only be with someone who tells you they are crazy about you. Those are the exact words they need to use. If they aren’t crazy about you, there is better out there. Anyone who starts laughing while they’re crying is someone worth knowing. The idea of criticizing someone’s taste in music is like blaming them for blushing at a compliment. We can’t help what makes us feel feelings. If you’re going to lie about your age, you should round up so that people say you look great for your age. Don’t be embarrassed when someone runs into you while buying toilet paper. Be embarrassed when someone runs into you while buying cold sore cream. When you asks someone what’s happening with them lately, the topic they choose to start with will tell you a lot about who they are. Family, work, relationships, or gossip. Guys don’t need to be good looking, they just need to be really good at something. Contrary to what guys think, the reason for us not liking another girl isn’t usually jealousy. We see past their boobs in a way that you can’t. People who remember names are worth knowing. Everyone wants to have a song written about them. It’s why we have a weakness for musicians. Everyone looks good in blue. Be nice to your grandparents, even if they’re a little racist and hate tattoos.It’s not really their fault. When a guy says you should embrace your natural hair color, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and you should keep going to the salon. People who say they like all music except for country, have clearly just not listened to the right country songs. Someone with an iphone can learn to love someone with a blackberry. People with the droid don’t deserve to be loved. When someone rejects you, just know that they’re scooting you towards the person you are meant to be with. We should all be more like people who play instruments. If you say you like to read, be prepared to list two books you enjoyed. If you are worried that everyone thinks you are fat, you should know that people don’t think about you that often. As soon as you tell your friend how much you hated their ex, they will get back together with them. No one wants to be Miranda. Not everyone has a type; I have an equal crush on Matt Damon, Justin Bieber, and Gerard Way, all for different reasons. Anyone who says they love being single is lonely. Anyone who says they’re lonely is looking for a blow job. I miss my computer saying “You’ve Got Mail”.Girls don’t understand how guys can happily sleep on their backs. No one’s favorite color is yellow. If you’re a girl and you don’t want to learn how to cook, you better be really good at other things. I’m referring to sex, people. It’s okay to disagree with Chris Brown’s choices, but still think he’s a really good dancer. Everyone looks ridiculous when they’re naked except for socks. Never ever smell your armpit in public.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
My Dream House

This is my dream house..
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Some pics
Monday, February 14, 2011
Grammy surprise..
Sunday, February 13, 2011
a beautiful weekend
The weather was so nice this weekend. Saturday morning we went to breakfast in town at the Victorian Cafe and then headed to Carmel Valley for a hike. Carmel Valley is beautiful. Lots of horses, farms, big mountains and valleys. Reminds me of the Hudson Valley and Colorado. It's so amazing to have both the mountain and ocean so close by. Joe and I went for a 2 1/2 hour hike and it was the most gorgeous day to be outside. The mossy trees, the sun in our eyes, the steep incline working our muscles..oh perfect!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Getting things done...

Hey All..So I took a knitting class a couple of months ago and am finally getting around to putting it to good use.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
What's happening in Monterey...
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
New Favorite Website....
Sunday, February 6, 2011
It's official..I'm a GLEEK

So, I've heard about it, read about it but never watched it until I came down with a cold, laid on our couch, flipped through the channels and settled on watching it cause it was the only thing on at 10 am on a Sat morning beside cartoons. Well, I was hooked from the first episode and ended up watching a marathon of GLEE. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the show. It makes me want to sing and dance all the time. I literally feel so excited watching the show. The coolest part...Joe's boss is one of the main Gleek's Aunt (Kurt is his name on the show)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Palo Alto, Stanford University, Facebook Headquarters and seeing Mark Zuckerberg
Today was Dan and Lisa's last day in town and we had some time to kill before their flight. Therefore we took a detour to Palo Alto to check out Facebook headquarters and Stanford University. While driving around the Facebook headquarters taking pictures of a very plain building, Mark Zuckerberg starts walking into the building directly in front of us. I yell out the window like a crazed tourist "Can I take your picture, Mark?!?" He just smiled, waved, said hi how are you and walked away. We only got a shot of him walking away from us but it was a very very cool experience. What is so funny is that Dan, Lisa and I do not have Facebook! He seemed really friendly tho. He lives a couple of blocks away in a modest home I hear. He seems very down to earth.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Family visits!
Hey all,