Thursday, February 3, 2011

Palo Alto, Stanford University, Facebook Headquarters and seeing Mark Zuckerberg

A City Building in San Fran

Stanford Football Stadium

There is the man!

And suck
Very low key building right?

Today was Dan and Lisa's last day in town and we had some time to kill before their flight. Therefore we took a detour to Palo Alto to check out Facebook headquarters and Stanford University. While driving around the Facebook headquarters taking pictures of a very plain building, Mark Zuckerberg starts walking into the building directly in front of us. I yell out the window like a crazed tourist "Can I take your picture, Mark?!?" He just smiled, waved, said hi how are you and walked away. We only got a shot of him walking away from us but it was a very very cool experience. What is so funny is that Dan, Lisa and I do not have Facebook! He seemed really friendly tho. He lives a couple of blocks away in a modest home I hear. He seems very down to earth.
After that cool experience we drove around Stanford University.
I dropped them off at the airport shortly after and then headed to San Fran for some sushi and a walk around the beautiful city. Took some shots around the city.
Sad to see Lisa and Dan go but will see them soon, flying into town in a couple of weeks for my interview.

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