Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Chex Mix Dilemma

Ok, who loves Chex Mix?
Ok better yet, who loves the individual RYE chips that are in the mix?
A couple of weeks ago back in New York, Joe and I were sitting on our Papasan, watching the tube, eating Chex Mix (with Hummus, try it!) when I noticed that he was only taking the Rye chips. I know, totally unfair! Those are my favorite too! So the topic came up of how someone should just package Rye Chips.
We didn't think much about it because seriously who would? until we got on with our travels and we found nested in this Kansas gas station RYE Chips. Um, did Christmas come early? I just had to take a picture and of course purchase em'. Don't you love the tag line: Special Request
It's like there was this secret life of Rye chip lovers..who knew?

Now the question is, what's your favorite variety in the Chex Mix.
In case you needed a reference point...Chex.com helps

P.S. No I'm not bored, I really am having a blast in California.

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