Monday, May 17, 2010


California is great, I'm constantly growing and reflecting and praying..

My brother graduated college today from Pratt and I couldn't make it. I talked to my family and they were in little italy celebrating. I am so proud of my brother! But I also am a little upset that I wasn't there.
So feeling kind "blah" already I took a stroll downtown to the bakery for my morning coffee..
I walk into the bakery, on the phone with my friend and wait in line for my coffee. While this is all happening, the woman in front of me says something. Not being able to hear her properly, I thought she said "oh i'm not in line, you can go in front of me." So I put my friend on hold and smile and say "oh i'm sorry, did you say your not in line?" and that's when the furry was released. She looked at me with disgust and screamed at me "I AM IN LINE AND IF YOUR GOING TO TALK ON THE PHONE, THEN WALK OUTSIDE." She then waved her hand at me to "shoo" outside like I was some dog. Now, mind you, this isn't a "quiet" bakery. It's not a library. It's a public place in a COFFEE SHOP. And she didn't even work there. I wasn't even on the phone when I got to the cashier (now, I could consider that "rude")
She was just some angry middle aged woman who needed to be a jerk to someone and I guess I was the target.

Shocked, I'm not really sure how to react. At first I want to stay on the phone and be a b (fill in the blank) but instead, I kindly tell my friend that I will call her back. So getting off the phone, I turn to her and say "You do not have to be rude to me and I am sorry that I was SPEAKING on my cell phone." I didn't even owe her an apology for something so innocent but it's just something I said. (on my bucket list: do not apologize for something you are not sorry for)
She then rolled her eyes and did not say anything. Then she was the NICEST person to the Cashier. It was so very strange. As she was walking out the door, I made sure she saw me and said to her " Have a great day, hope it gets better."

But isn't it funny how after something weird or lame happens, you then come up with the COOLEST comebacks? But of course you didn't say it because it's like a deer in headlights moment
Some of my favorites:
*Are you always so pleasant or is today my lucky day?
*How's it feel to be rude to a complete stranger, must make you feel proud?
* Hey, I'm already having a crappy day, thanks for contributing!

I mean I get it, maybe it is a little rude to be on the phone when you walk into a place. But come on, she was just a little nutty. This area is not as busy as New York or LA but cell phones do exist.

So I have encountered plenty of rude people but the question is, what would you do in a situation like this? or in any situation where people are abrupt or rude?

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