Wednesday, May 12, 2010

To work or not to work?..that is the question

Perks of not working:

Catching up on ten years of sleep

Spending time with myself and functioning at my own speed

Learning the area and really seeing the beauty of the area

Improving my favorite hobby: Photography

Becoming a domestic goddess (cook/clean/laundry..still working on ironing)

Getting things done that have been put off for years (this blog, learning how to make log benches, etc.)

Why to go back to work:

I officially know every tune to the Law and Order theme song

Maury Povich's show is my new favorite past time (that is your baby Ray Ray!)

I've run out of colors to paint my toes

I am starting to count the wrinkles around my eyes

The couch has a permanent imprint of my bottom.

I'm learning new things everyday by watching Cash Cab

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