Colorado...Are there really words to describe?

This was the view from our hotel balcony in Vail, Colorado. So stunning. To go to ski or visit, check out vail.com
Took this in the car on the way to Monterey. I love love love it. I feel like it's saying "Dare to Enter"

This is Utah where Bryce Canyon is located. Red Rocks and Mountains for miles and miles. Although we did not go to Bryce Canyon, the geography of the area is breathtaking. Brycecanyon.com website does not even explain the beauty of Utah. The roads felt like a roller coaster, 6000 feet up, twist and turn, up and down, definitely needed a nice glass of vino to relax the anxiety inside me. Best part of the trip (insert sarcasm) was when we reached the pinnacle of the mountain and it started SNOWING! Not sure if you know of the fear that ran through my body, but check out our car...now add that to slippery roads and little visibility...that wine is starting to sound like a smart idea now isn't it?
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