Monday, May 10, 2010

some adventures so far.

California has been great so far, getting used to the new digs and adjusting.
Joe and I took a drive up the 1 this weekend (California's Coastal Highway 1)
We drove through Carmel by the Sea. The town is beautiful. Here in Pacific Grove, it's known as America's last hometown. There are cottages on every street that are close to other cottages and everyone knows everyone by name. Kind of like Cheers!
However, in Carmel, it's got a more modern feel to it. For the new yorkers, its' sort of like Beacon/Woodstock. Still beautiful but has trendy shops. I did see a Coach handbag store so it may be more upper class. However, the water is crystal blue and you can see the bottom of the ocean. It's different from Pacific Grove as in it's more tropical and no marina. More secluded.
After carmel we drove on the 1 towards Big Sur. We did not go out and explore the Big Sur Park but we did drive by and it's so beautiful. Joe and I might go camping there for Memorial Day weekend. We went to lunch at this place called the bakery. Up the stairs from the restaurant there was a section called the Spirit Center. It had drums, prayer flags, tree houses, very hippie, very cool. It was surrounded by the woods and it had an african tribal soundtrack playing in the background. It was very calming. Big Sur is known as the greatest meet between land and sea, and it definitely lives up to it's name. Although I don't have pictures (YET) check out the site.
You drive on the 1 and see the beautiful ocean and then go inland and witness these enormous redwood trees. it really is the greatest balance.

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