Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Hello there,
The winter is finally over and spring is among us.  The clouds of depression have disappeared and I feel uplifted and creative, a long awaited period. It hasn't been the easiest time here in Fort Wayne. My best friends are far away, my family is spread amongst Indiana and New York and I am soon to be leaving my husband to embark on a very cruical time in our lives. It's been challenging, and will continue to be challenging. However, a good friend of mine instructed me that now is the time to create the environment you want from sorrow. Too often are we trapped in our routine of sadness to strengthen our minds and fix our mood. I have the tendency to not seek the help I want or express the pain I feel and listen to the advice I am given. Aren't we all? We want to vent but not take the tips given to change. It's a horrible cycle. Anxiety attacks, obscure thoughts and paranoid feelings can allow you to doubt your confidence and ability to be happy.
I stopped thinking of tomorrow or yesterday and have been trying to think of the now. Think of the Now. So hard, yet so important.
School is finally coming to an end and it's been a sluggish couple of months. It's been more of going through the motions then absorbing the material. Robot like.
I think it is a self preservation for this coming May. The program will be intense, a lot of pressure and a constant watch of doing the right thing. Not only is this a new field but it's a new frame of mind. I've always been the behind the scenes. Now, I am up front and center. How will the play turn out? Every day will be an effort. Truthfully, I enjoy the laziness.
Yet, that word cannot exist in my vocab in a month.
My last week of work is this week. I've scheduled myself for 5 days in a row on top of physics homework, physiology exam and fitness exam.
I go from 0 to 60 in 2.3 seconds.
Balance. Have we met?
I plan on joining a yoga studio when I move to Indianapolis next month. It is something that I must do for my sanity.
I don't have a 'crew' here. I am simply a floater. Sometimes that is nice, but sometimes you want to feel the concrete on your toes.

I plan on staying creative and dusting off my camera and getting behind the lens again. Where did that curious Cori disappear too?  Is it winter blues? Adjustment periods?
One year has been since we moved. Now I will move again, but only during the week. A gyspy. who likes structure and stability but loathes planning.
Is there such thing?

Writing helps, so does exercise and photography. Make sure I keep up with it.
Til then,

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