Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My new ode to Fort Wayne

Foot, meet Mouth.
Sometimes, words just fly out of my mouth. I really wish I was more calculated. Or is it that I am just not at ease?

Sometimes I think my humor comes off as snobbish. I don't hate living here. But it's hard to be positive. Maybe I should say that? Instead of trying to make fun of my surroundings. It's my coping mechanism.

I don't think it's hard to be positive, I think I just choice to live negatively. Like I said earlier, find solace in the sorrow.

Sure, it's a little out dated and there's not much to do. Except, there is a lot to do. Soccer fields, baseball fields, Baseball park, lots of places to eat, the library...I think having expectations sucks. Living on both coasts and knowing what's out there, it's difficult to adjust to Fort Wayne.

But, I've done the best in school that I've ever done. I've learn how to 'slow' down my pace and adjust to new surroundings. Our rent is super cheap and we get to travel pretty much all the time. It's easy living here! So why am I making it difficult? We both have jobs. I got into a great program. Joe's family is a hop skip and jump away. I can get to my family in a day. Chicago is our neighbor. The most beautiful place in Michigan is 5 hours away and heck if girlfriends wanted to go to Nashville, I'll see them in 6-7 hours!

So you see, I'm changing my tune.
Going to experience the good ol' MidWest for what it is and so far, I've been surprised by the many great qualities its had.

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